» Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:42 pm
Hey Vac,
Listen, I have run into some real trouble with my current save and am trying desperately to salvage it if possible. I am not suggesting in any way that ALEX has anything to do with it, but I have run into an issue with it nonetheless. In the process of deactivating mods to try and find the offending one, I have gotten stuck on ALEX. In short, if I deactivate it, my save(s) cause an instant CTD when I try to load. I have gone to the testinghall, unequipped everything, waited many days, but still I can't deactivate this mod. Do you have any idea why this might be?
Again, I am not at all suggesting ALEX is causing my troubles, but it is putting a bit of a roadblock up in front of my debugging process. Any help at all would be most welcome.