You just made my day, im happy to see one of my resource being used. As for the icons, i meant to do those but never got to it. I never thought about mixing the colors, the textures were not made with that in mind, personally i prefer only one color per mesh but im sure lots of people will like it that way.
Great job.
Ahh! The original creator!
Thankyou for making the original resources!
To be honest all I did was take cryptic_rain's versions of the resources, optimise the meshes with pyFFI and then make versions of the covered pot mesh that were static and would make a good loot chest. Very simple, but I lack texturing skills to change things in that area myself. It's possible I might make an update at a later stage with single-colour item sets, but with 6 sets already available I'm not sure more variety is really needed. I'd also need to go back into the ayleid language resources and have a think about what other social/religious functions might require this kind of stuff in Ayleid society.
Would people
like to see more variety? I'm not even sure whether anyone's even seen one of the chests in-game yet!
Thanks again meo!
This loot will only be found in n Ayleid ruins right? If its everywhere it wont be that realistic I think
Great mod!
You'll find the loot chests in ayleid ruins only. There are two vanilla NPCs with small collections of clutter in their homes, if you have a reason to go into either house you'll probably notice quite easily. There's a lost chest that could be anywhere (I'm not telling); you'll have to find both the chest and a key to unlock it. Then finally, as the stuff has no practical application for combat or any of your skills I figured I'd make the stuff available for sale at some vendors, but stocks are rare and limited: it's perfectly possible that if you visit every one of the vendors that *
can* sell the stuff not one of them *
will* have anything in stock.
I don't think this counts as "everywhere".
