Thats a good suggestion I look into a simular mod recently and found most of these type mods use place at me, or something to that measure that bloats game save files... so I thought of a way to do it without bloating save files although for users without the obse it will show an annoying "Welkynd stone added." I will also include a version that uses the Obse for silently adding to the inventory without the message spam... the way I did this was to make a dummy item that adds the original one to the players inventory then replaced the welkynd stones with the dummy items, so anything that doesn't directly touch the welkynd/varla stones should still be compatible, anything that does however won't crash, but it might have 2 stones where only one should be. I'll probably add a version that doesn't touch the stones at all just in case someone doesn't like the way I scripted it.
Thanks for the input and any other comments would be appreciated. Also, I hope to have a Beta version availible for testing by either the end of this month or the middle of next.
P.S after re-reading it the mod you posted about does almost identically what I did, talk about reinventing the wheel lol...
As the author of the aforementioned, I just want to let you know that my mod doesn't use PlaceAtMe, doesn't require OBSE, and doesn't message spam the player. You are absolutely welcome to ninja my script so long as you toss me a credit somewhere. Here you go:
ScriptName YourScriptNameGoesHereshort StartDayBegin OnActivate Player Message " " Message " " Player.AddItem VarlaStone 1 Set StartDay to GameDaysPassed DisableEndBegin GameMode If ( GameDaysPassed - StartDay ) >= 28 && GetDisabled == 1 Enable EndIfEnd
Change the value "28" to reflect the number of game days you want to pass before the respawn. Then re-add the Varla & Welkynd stones to the CS as Activators instead of Misc Items, put that script on them, and place as you would normal stones.
When you feel like the mod is done and you're ready for beta testers, you might also want to check out the Beta Testing & anolysis guild at
Good luck with it!