[RELZ]Azura's coast & Sheogorath GRASSED

Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:05 am

I rly cant say nothing else its just awesome.
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Charlie Sarson
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Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:22 pm


(Hopefully) Final Version 1.2 released

Yes, I know, I'm pretty fast. But i plan to let this be the last update for this mod unless something (like a bad bug) urges me to make yet another update.

The new update contains an additional plugin that covers a large piece of the northeastern Morrowind as made by Tamriel Rebuilt with the grass I have used in Azura's Coast and Sheogorath. I have spent one week cleaning the cells up from misplaced grass pieces and I hope it has been worth the effort. The grass only covers areas that aren't occupied by vality's grass mod for TR yet. The most of it can be found on the telvanni isles. At many places the grass is much denser than before and at some places you will now encounter a new green shrub instead of the usual grasses.

The following screens show two sites on the telvanni isles:

Port Telvannis:

Download Links:


PS: No changes have been made on the old plugin.
-If people dislike the textures they are welcome to share their replacers for it.
Edit: I don't mean to sound unfriendly. I'm just a bad texturer sometimes. And I can't be arsed to work longer on a texture than 10 minutes. That's why I say that people can make their textures if my textures are too low-quality for them.
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Amy Gibson
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Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 9:29 am

Already downloaded it, thanks! :)
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Laura Cartwright
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Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 8:16 am

Looks excellent! having some variation in my grasses is much appreciated!

Poor Solstheim, it seems to be all that is left, naked and grassless... :cold:

Im workin on it alright, gimmie a chance :P

And Muspila, update looks even greater

Nice work! :D
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rebecca moody
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Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 8:30 am

Hello, Muspila. Exist a error in the nif archives in the version 1.2. They point for a different texture that you included in the file.
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Lauren Denman
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 11:25 pm

Hello, Muspila. Exist a error in the nif archives in the version 1.2. They point for a different texture that you included in the file.

Ha lol. I'm seeing now. Thats the textures of my solstheim grasses that i accidently included instead of the azura's coast grass texture. :facepalm:

Thats cool. I'm going to upload a fixed version shortly.

Edit: Thankyou btw.
Edit2: The archive with the correct texture has been uploaded at PES and Tesnexus now. I am sorry for the inconvenience.
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Brian Newman
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Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 8:51 am

At first: thanks for that great addition. The new grass types fit into the AC and Sheogorad regions quite well. :goodjob:

I just got a problem with the TR addon. When i create distant statics for that file the game crashes right after initializing distant land.

This appears to be caused by a strange master file reference in the 'ACGrass_TR_animated.esp'. It refers to a file called 'TR_Mainland.esm' which is not part of the current stock TR releases which only contain 'TR_Map1.esm', 'TR_Map2.esm' and 'TR_Data.esm' masterfiles. I guess it's a custom made file you merged from the both single map files yourself. Unfortunately the problem is that no user of the standard TR releases will be able to use your mod (as it's the case for me). Any chance to see fix for that issue? Would be a shame to let the TR landscapes untouched by this nice piece of grassy sweetness :cookie:
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Brooks Hardison
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 10:26 pm

This appears to be caused by a strange master file reference in the 'ACGrass_TR_animated.esp'.

Ok, actually that dependency is there intentionally because the plugin without dependency did not succeed to generate the grass for me.
And because I could play with the respective distant-land-file very well using map1 together with map2 esm. But probably it needs to have the right master file in the directory in order to be able to generate the distant statics. I did not think of that possibility. My fault. :S

The reason why I used TR_mainland as a base for the grass is that it has the border between map 1 and 2 correct and I wanted the mod to be compatible with TR future releases that will only use TR_mainland as master file including any regions made so far.

Now you may try one of the following things:
1. Remove the dependency from the plugin with one of the availible tools yourself and then try if distant land creation works for you.
2. Download the standard-download and use the plugin inside there which does not have any dependency too and try it with that.

I had the strange issue that it sometimes would succeed generating the distant statics without masterfile-dependency and sometimes it would not. At the end it did not work at all without dependency but maybe you are more lucky than me.

Eitherway, I'll look if I get another version uploaded soon. Maybe I can get a dependency-free plugin uploaded that works for me and then hopefully works for others.
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Lawrence Armijo
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Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:27 pm

Sorry for the double-post.
Just uploaded a version that includes a TR-plugin without dependency and that works when I generate the grass.
So, if you have the same issue as noNatee try it with this one. :)
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 10:42 pm

Now you may try one of the following things:
1. Remove the dependency from the plugin with one of the availible tools yourself and then try if distant land creation works for you.
2. Download the standard-download and use the plugin inside there which does not have any dependency too and try it with that.

I had the strange issue that it sometimes would succeed generating the distant statics without masterfile-dependency and sometimes it would not. At the end it did not work at all without dependency but maybe you are more lucky than me.

Removing the dependency from the esp didn't do the trick for me as well as resaving the file via CS (to get the grass static references into the right cells - seemed to be OK in the CS but obviously didn't work for MGE).

Despite i always succeded creating distant statics (no warnings! - even with the 'wrong' Masterfile dependency) but only the game crashes instantly with distant land feature enabled.

Just uploaded a version that includes a TR-plugin without dependency and that works when I generate the grass.
So, if you have the same issue as noNatee try it with this one. :)

Didn't work for me, sorry to say so. :( Still crashes using this version.
Is there a way to get an esp file with 'proper' TR dependencies (-> referring to TR_Map1.esp and TR_Map2.esp)? Does anybody else experience those issues/got a workaround?
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Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 7:07 am

I'm having a slight problem using this mod (unless it's intended); all the grass seems to have collisions enabled. Is there a way for me to fix this? I'd appreciate any help... I definitely don't want to go without this mod, but it's hard to walk around at the moment! I'm using Vurt's groundcover too without difficulties.
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Sarah Knight
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Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 8:29 am

Looks very good. It's a shame that my HD4650 is too weak to activate distant land, distant statics and grass at the same time :/

I'm having a slight problem using this mod (unless it's intended); all the grass seems to have collisions enabled. Is there a way for me to fix this? I'd appreciate any help... I definitely don't want to go without this mod, but it's hard to walk around at the moment! I'm using Vurt's groundcover too without difficulties.

Don't activate it. MGE is required to create distant grass. Just select it at the distant land generation dialog.
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Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:44 pm

I've only found one issue with this grass. :3 One lone grass mesh clips annoyingly with the gate to Sadrith Mora. Every other instance of clipping is pretty livable. While I did away with that bit of grass myself, you might want to go in and fix it/reupload the ESP. I realize it'd be damn hard to get rid of all instances of clipping with a mod like this, I'm just suggesting you fix Sadrith Mora considering it is the biggest city in the area you've grassed and the gate is quite iconic.
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Adrian Morales
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Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 8:45 am

I'm having a slight problem using this mod (unless it's intended); all the grass seems to have collisions enabled. Is there a way for me to fix this? I'd appreciate any help... I definitely don't want to go without this mod, but it's hard to walk around at the moment! I'm using Vurt's groundcover too without difficulties.

As said before, the grass you are using is supposed to be used by generating it by mge and not activating the respective plugin. If you want grass that you can use activating the plugin, just download the non-animated version whose grass has no collision.

I've only found one issue with this grass. :3 One lone grass mesh clips annoyingly with the gate to Sadrith Mora. Every other instance of clipping is pretty livable. While I did away with that bit of grass myself, you might want to go in and fix it/reupload the ESP. I realize it'd be damn hard to get rid of all instances of clipping with a mod like this, I'm just suggesting you fix Sadrith Mora considering it is the biggest city in the area you've grassed and the gate is quite iconic.

I see. some of the grass pieces seem to have escaped my attention. I have actually tried to work very carefully in Sadrith Mora. I will get back to it and fix it in the coming days.

Moreover i will do a bunch of fixes to the TR-plugin when I come to it. I have got the impression that the grass has been placed much too dense in many areas. In addition i will remake the awkward looking third grass-mesh there.
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Dawn Porter
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Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 8:13 am

As said before, the grass you are using is supposed to be used by generating it by mge and not activating the respective plugin. If you want grass that you can use activating the plugin, just download the non-animated version whose grass has no collision.

That was it, thank you. I didn't see that in the readme :-/ It's all better now though!
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Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 5:26 am

Hey, just to let you know. I have uploaded version 1.3

This version includes a number of new grass-variants made from plants I have picked up in my environment. I hope you're gonna like them. I for one do.
The most noticable changes will be in Molagrehad and the telvanni isles. The vvardenfell-part of the mod has not changed as much.

-from now on there will be only one download. You can use that one for both animated or non-animated grass
-Former Textures have been enhanced.
-New grasses with new textures have been added for more variation.
-another bunch of misplaced grass-pieces have been moved.
-The plugin for TR has been renamed into "Grass_TR_TI&M"


A few Screeeens (without shaders):
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Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 6:57 am

Ta, been using your Grass for quite some time.

Glad to see an update! :foodndrink:
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Kat Lehmann
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Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 1:25 pm

Very nice, thank you :)
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Chloe Lou
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Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:16 pm

Perfect timing. Today is the day I change the vanilla plants and trees of Morrowind.

Thank you for all your work. :)
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Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:48 am

Awesome, thanks for the update. I was very happy with the previous version. :)
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Juan Suarez
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Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 3:07 am

Awesome, thanks for the update. I was very happy with the previous version. :)

Me too, thanks a lot for your work, Muspila ;)
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Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:12 pm

No problem, I have done this for my own pleasure, after all.
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Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 5:26 am

A mini update:

the plugin affecting Azura's Coast and Sheogorath now is compatible with NoM.

Thanks to _Taddeus_ for cleaning up. :)


Despite the many positive feedback I'm still not sure if you folks actually like the changes made from version 1.2 to 1.3.
Is there anything you don't like about the new version?
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sarah simon-rogaume
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Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 1:13 am

A mini update:

the plugin affecting Azura's Coast and Sheogorath now is compatible with NoM.

Thanks to _Taddeus_ for cleaning up. :)


Despite the many positive feedback I'm still not sure if you folks actually like the changes made from version 1.2 to 1.3.
Is there anything you don't like about the new version?

Hehe, I'm becoming a fanatic of compatibility between mods. :)

I really like your grass mods. The only thing I noticed is that in the Telvanni towns, there are several grass patches on the roads, which looks a little out of place if you're using a stone-like replacer for the road paving.
All in all a great work, however. :thumbsup:
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Sierra Ritsuka
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Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:27 am

Thanks for updating this, Muspila :thumbsup:
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Taylah Haines
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