[RELZ]Azura's coast & Sheogorath GRASSED

Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 11:59 pm

Hi there,

simply making this post to notify the people who maybe still know and use my grass mod in their games. You might have noticed a couple of pretty bad floaters in Tel Aruhn and Sadrith Mora.. Those have been taken care of now along with many many bleeders (pieces of grass stuck below rocks).

I still cannot promise that all of them have been fixed by now, there are simply too many cells with my grass in them with too many rocks.

As always you can download my mod here
and here

Beyond that there had been one dodgy grass texture I should be and am ashamed of that now finally got replaced. You can see the new grass on this screenshot:

And I made a small gallery for the people who do not know my mod yet to look through:
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Anna S
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Joined: Thu Apr 19, 2007 2:13 am


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