the Azura Creature and Statues with updated versions
that reflect the current nature of player character while
also appearing more Goddess-like (rather than grand motherly ).
The Elder Scrolls III
Westly's Azura Creature
& Statue Replacer
1. Installation
2. Playing the Plugin
3. Save Games
4. Changing the Face of an Existing Character
5. Credits & Usage
Manual Installation:
Just drag and drop these onto the data files folder in your Morrowind
directory and they will go where they are meant to go (except the readme).
All the files are placed inside folders as marked. In other words,
place the included Meshes and Textures folder in your games Data Files
(become familiar with manual installations, your game will thank you for it)
The included Screen Shots folder is just for your use (so as to
know what the changes look like). It is not needed for play.
Also included in this mod is a folder labeled "XTRAS"
Inside this folder are the optional files for alternate
-Folder 1- A Rusty Purple/Red Statue (akin to the original colouring
of the Daedric Prince Statues)
-Folder 2- A Shiny Silver Reflection Mapped Statue
-Folder 3= A Shiny Gold Reflection Mapped Statue
To install one of these is the same as above, as inside each of these
folders is a Meshes folder that contains the proper files to replace the
in game statue. Pick a folder (1,2, or3) and open it. Then take the
Meshes folder therin and place it in your games Data Files folder.
You will be promted to overwrite (should you do this correctly).
Once you do, the alternate statue will be ready for your viewing pleasure
in game .
New head mesh by Rhedd, modified by Robert, then modified by Westly
New hair mesh by Gorg (for the long haired goddess look)
Textures by Westly (hair, face, body, all statue textures, modified
Bethesda textures for Azura's Robe)
These models and textures are essentially a resource, but I do ask that
credit be given to the proper authors and that you contact me if you are
going to use these (as I may be able to help you out with your own project
to make it more unique than what I have included in this mod ).
Additional Alternate Statues: (in keeping with the look of the original Daedric Prince Statue colouring)
(For other deity replacers I recommend Psymonier's BB vivec God Replacer and sixy Almalexy by Qarl )