Does the fact that a person plays video games automatically define that person? There's all kinds of people that play them, and all kinds of nerds/geeks. I'm not saying that just because they don't like me, they're a bigot, I meant more along the lines of dismissing a person right off the bat for something so trivial without getting to know more about them. It amounts to the same thing as disliking them for their race, or religion.
Then that means 99.99% of the human race is a bigot to an extent. Everyone judges each other, whether we realize it or not. Even in mundane scenarios for example if a woman wears very clothing a good amount of people might automatically think that she's a [censored]. When he reality this woman might be more prudish, and reserved. Everyone judges. Sure I don't like it. But its a fact of life, and just because someone does it doesn't make them stupid, or a bad person.
It might make them ignorant, but that's not a bad a thing, after all they don't actually
know the person. I'm sure at some point in your life even you judged someone based on there appearance/interests rather than the person they actually are.