Babylon 5

Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:24 pm

Oh, I knew his wife had supposedly died , but IIRC, he was involved romantically with Delenn. So that IMO, makes his attitude of "with me or against me" moot.
He's reactionary instead of proactive for most of the series, and face it, by this time I was accustomed to the calm, collected, and willing to see things from an opposing point of view of DS9'sBenjamin Sisko, who incidentally, lost his wife to an enemy attack as well.

Never been a fan of Boxleitner either.
If it came down to it, I'd buy DS9 over B5. I'd buy Farscape over both.

Farscape. I never could decide quite what I'd accidentally watched. Sort of Skippy in Space, with some bloke in leather leering at everyone. I never knew when it was on, but it found me. Like that chap.
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Gill Mackin
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:03 am

I am currently re-watching B5, just started into season four. I don't recall how far I got the last time, but, was watching the episodes new, on broadcast television then...... I like it much better watching at MY convenience...... No opinion on season five yet, but, the show gets better, and draws you in deeper, as events progress. Even my girlfriend is now sitting and watching it with me, and she ISN'T a fan of SciFi.
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sara OMAR
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:42 am

B5 was & is the tops of scifi. DS9 didn't even compare for me. I liked the show but it only reached its peak a few seasons into it. B5 was written from the start with a 5year arc with fully developed characters and a great plot. I've gotten @ least 5+ people who hate scifi into it. The thing they all tell me is "this is how space travel would be for people". It shows that even traveling thru space hundreds of years from now humans are still flawed. Unlike the "perfect" types from Trek. A show I can watch over and over again for sure.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:25 am

I'm a big fan of DS9, it's my favorite Star Trek series by a long shot (and the only one I own on DVD), and I love Bablyon 5. It's a bit odd at first, some of the episodes are rather cheesey but they improve quickly. The same can be said about the props and sets which are also pretty pretty at first but they improve with time. (The alien makeup in the pilot doesn't match but then the same could be said of Quark's nose and Odo's makeup in DS9's pilot/first season).

While not wholy serialized it does pay to watch the episodes in order. The first time I saw an episode it was from the middle of season one, the A line didn't do much for me and the B line didn't make any sense . . . but years later when I started watching the show in order I realized that B storyline was wonderfully done. Season five does fall apart near the end but some of the episodes are alright. The Babylon 5 movies didn't do much for me but they're alright; Crusade, a spin-off series that lasted a season, should unfortunately be avoided at all costs.

I watched Farscape when it was on TV, I never really got into it, though it did look good. Seemed like something you had to be in from the start. But Farscape DVDs are five times the price of B5 DVDs, so its not much of a choice. :P

I remember watching Farscape for the first time and absolutely loving it. However when Netflix put the first few seasons up I started watching again and was surprised by how little I enjoyed it - it certainly wasn't bad but it no longer kept me captivated. :(
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:16 am

I'm a big fan of DS9, it's my favorite Star Trek series by a long shot (and the only one I own on DVD), and I love Bablyon 5. It's a bit odd at first, some of the episodes are rather cheesey but they improve quickly. The same can be said about the props and sets which are also pretty pretty at first but they improve with time. (The alien makeup in the pilot doesn't match but then the same could be said of Quark's nose and Odo's makeup in DS9's pilot/first season).

While not wholy serialized it does pay to watch the episodes in order. The first time I saw an episode it was from the middle of season one, the A line didn't do much for me and the B line didn't make any sense . . . but years later when I started watching the show in order I realized that B storyline was wonderfully done. Season five does fall apart near the end but some of the episodes are alright.

:ahhh: Get out of my head, Donner! :lmao: That is almost word for word what my reply was going to be. The only thing I have to say that's different is that I watched B5 from the start, so there was no initial confusion for me.

One thing I will add is that I love the interplay between the B5 characters. There are a lot of really good moments throughout the show. One of my favorite exchanges is:

Sheridan: "Lately I've been having the kind of nightmares that would make your hair stand on end."
Delenn: "Well, that would explain the Centauri."
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stevie trent
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:39 pm

I've been watching nothing but TNG, Voyager, DS9, BSG, Farscape, SG-1 and B5 the last couple of months, and I would recommend them all. :thumbsup:

Netflix rules! ;)
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Milad Hajipour
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:56 am

I've been watching nothing but TNG, Voyager, DS9, BSG, Farscape, SG-1 and B5 the last couple of months, and I would recommend them all. :thumbsup:

Netflix rules! ;)

Check out Doctor Who, both new and classic adventures.
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Stephani Silva
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:53 am

Because of the dearth of decent stuff on TV these days in between runs of Doctor Who and True Blood, I've been watching sci fi series from yesteryear on DVD. So far I've done Blake's Seven, Red Dwarf, and Adam Adamant Lives!, but at the moment I've run out.

I am a big fan of Star Trek, especially DS9, and I was wondering if those of you who watched Babylon 5 would recommend it to a DS9 fan? I know some B5 fans say DS9 is the poor ripoff of B5, in which case, B5 should be even better, but I was wondering what you guys think.

If you like immersion which the multi-year story arc allows, then you may like Babylon 5.

Babylon 5 also shamelessly used Khazadum and Lorien as names for places and beings in the show.
I also disliked season 5, Robbio, there were no grey areas, Either Sheridan viewed you as an enemy, or not. While DS9 approached oppostion by giving you a viewpoint of the other race. You understood their reasons for rebellion or agression, In Babylon 5, it was either you allied with the Shadows, or you allied with the Vorlons. Sheridians petulant stand against aging cosmic superpowers came to late to salvavge it for me.
But man, B5 seasons 1 through 4 kicked some ass.

No, Babylon 5 did not use "Khazad dum," it used "Z'ha'dum."

Sheridan's "petulant stand against aging cosmic superpowers " was a result of his experience at Z'ha'dum. His experience there was meant to be epiphany. If the character had not required that epiphany, then the plot line would have been affected early on.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:13 pm

I watched Farscape when it was on TV, I never really got into it, though it did look good. Seemed like something you had to be in from the start. But Farscape DVDs are five times the price of B5 DVDs, so its not much of a choice. :P

I just got through watching Farscape beginning to end on DVD...only thing that kept me going to the end is just how fantastic it is for people like me who love laughing at weak continuity, retro-continuity for the Rule of Cool, and just general "OMG they did not just use that tired old trick and expect us to believe it" accidental comedy. :shrug:

Farscape. I never could decide quite what I'd accidentally watched. Sort of Skippy in Space, with some bloke in leather leering at everyone. I never knew when it was on, but it found me. Like that chap.

*nod* I tend to refer to it as "Muppets in Space," and not because of the actual Henson company involvement- more because like The Muppet Show, it was entertaining as hell and would pretty much throw out anything, no matter how bizarre, and just keep going as if nothing was amiss. :)

Seriously, a series where the most recognizable (and frequent) running joke stems from an initial incident of someone in a high-pitched voice griping "When you get nervous, you fart helium?"

One of my favorite exchanges is:
Sheridan: "Lately I've been having the kind of nightmares that would make your hair stand on end."
Delenn: "Well, that would explain the Centauri."

Best part was Sheridan's reaction. :D

Lennier and Marcus are both fountains of classic commentary as well. Though I always waited for Lennier to walk in on someone watching old Earth TV shows and catch a "Danger, Will Robinson!" clip. ;)
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:18 am

If you like immersion which the multi-year story arc allows, then you may like Babylon 5.

No, Babylon 5 did not use "Khazad dum," it used "Z'ha'dum."

Sheridan's "petulant stand against aging cosmic superpowers " was a result of his experience at Z'ha'dum. His experience there was meant to be epiphany. If the character had not required that epiphany, then the plot line would have been affected early on.

Sheridan was indeed petulant, like a teenager who decides neither one of his parents are worth listening to, and so decides nothing can be gained. He showed his ass and both Vorlons and the Shadows left. There was no grey in B5. Only black and white. Regardless of his experience at Zplace, Sheridan's character was afflicted with an inablity to see both sides of the issue. It was his way or the highway, like President Santiago, the Vorlons, Bester. His little tirade with Kosh spurred Kosh to play his hand before it was time, resulting in Kosh's death.
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Emma Pennington
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:15 am

As an update, my B5 DVD has finally arrived today, so I can finally start watching it. :foodndrink:
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Becky Cox
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:45 pm

I watched the first episode, It's already better than most of Voyager and Enterprise. :rock:

Londo stole whatever scene he's in.
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Nicholas C
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:12 am

I watched the first episode, It's already better than most of Voyager and Enterprise. :rock:

Londo stole whatever scene he's in.

:rock: Yeah!

I love the interplay between G'kar and Londo. Peter Jurasik and Andreas Katsulas are really talented, fantastic actors for those roles. Vir is funny, too. :P
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:42 pm

I watched the first episode, It's already better than most of Voyager and Enterprise. :rock:

Londo stole whatever scene he's in.

Londo is an incredible character. Everyone has great growth on the show but Londo's path is certainly the one I enjoy following the most.
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:16 pm

I just know the Sheldon in tbbt hates it.
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Rhiannon Jones
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:40 am

<...> Anyway, Stargate SG-1 is one of my Favorite shows ever. <...>
And 200 is good, too.

Especially if you've watched Farescape...

Anyway, B5 is a must see through. Just don't form your opinion from the first season. It all gets into place very well. Also, a series that's been cancelled and shouldn't, like most excellent sci-fi series: (Hmmm, that trailer makes it look like a BSG rip-off, but it has nothing to do with that.)
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El Khatiri
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:56 pm

I would recommend Babylon 5 as well. It is the first non-Star Trek space drama I saw and also the first series I ever owned on DVD back when TV shows on DVD were starting to become popular (also believe it was one of the first SF shows released on DVD, and at an affordable price at the time). Its not perfect but its a solid series and by todays standards the visual effects are not that great (though for the time they were). What I wouldn't give for a copy of this on Blu Ray with remastered visual effects like they did with Star Trek:TOS. If they did an updated version of this with Battlestar Galactica-quality visual effects then it would definitely rival the best SF dramas we have today - BSG, Lost, Farscape. B5 really paved the way for these series and was way ahead of its time in terms of storytelling. Whenever I watch a modern SF I compare it to B5, not because B5 is the best but because its one of the few examples of how to solidly do an arc-based SF drama. Its also one of the few shows that I've seen that had all five seasons mapped out.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:09 am

Wow, I haven't even thought of that show in a long time. I watched and quite liked it when it was on though.

I'd have to say yes it's recommended. Especially if you can pick it up at a decent price somewhere.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:02 am

To be fair, Sheridan had a reason to hate the shadows....the death of his wife. It wasn't until it was revealed to him
that the Shadows and the Vorlons were both saddled with the duty to guide the younger races but they had broken down into an ideological war on how to do so that he realized both sides were equally bad.

Anna Sheridan turned out to be working for the Shadows.

Sheridan was indeed petulant, like a teenager who decides neither one of his parents are worth listening to, and so decides nothing can be gained. He showed his ass and both Vorlons and the Shadows left. There was no grey in B5. Only black and white. Regardless of his experience at Zplace, Sheridan's character was afflicted with an inablity to see both sides of the issue. It was his way or the highway, like President Santiago, the Vorlons, Bester. His little tirade with Kosh spurred Kosh to play his hand before it was time, resulting in Kosh's death.

Can you cite specific examples to support your claim(s) vis a vis John Sheridan, President Luis Santiago , the Vorlons and Bester?

The incident you refer to in "Interludes and Examinations" had Kosh admitting that Sheridan was right (Kosh appears to Sheridan in the guise of his father and admits Sheridan was right. (while the Shadows were attacking him) )It was Morden and Shadows that killed Kosh, not Sheridan. Further, they may have intended to do that (killing Kosh) when they came on board Babylon 5.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:19 am

Costco has them at 15.99 per season
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Tessa Mullins
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:24 pm

Costco has them at 15.99 per season

I'm halfway through season 4 now. :P
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Craig Martin
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:00 am

I'm halfway through season 4 now. :P

Just trying to inform others of agood price while I am at Costco :P

Also didn't want to startanew threadon y phone
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Lewis Morel
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:31 am

Hails yes Baby 5 was a good show!
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:02 am

I almost slipped into a coma during the Babylon 5 pilot ep. I just couldn't do it.
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Crystal Clear
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:35 am

Just FYI, if you have a Netflix subscription they have all of Babylon 5 on watch instantly.

And all of the Stargate shows too, if you're into that. :P
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