» Wed Jun 23, 2010 9:53 pm
I thought the system in Oblivion was cool, where you could have a mage, an assassin, a warrior from battlehorn and a KotN guy with you, until I ran into a highwayman and let them take him out. One Khajiit vs 4 guys and it ends with me having to kill the guy because he SOMEHOW took no damage from the 4 guys he killed like flies. In F3 however, we had a limit on 2 companions (But I used the glitch to get everyone) and nothing could touch us. A small army using everything from flamers to sniper rifles and I never had to lift a finger, especially with Fawkes mowing everything down as is. NV companions were the same but were weak as hell, which meant you had to constantly baby them. One deathclaw when you are'nt payingalot of attention on hardcoe= all your friends are dead. Personally, heres what I would like to see-
No limit on companions (I was told they did this in F2) that level with you. So at lvl 1 they are a lvl 1 and are as weak as you are. Have each companion unique, one is good at repair, one is a beast with a bow, another is really good at carrying stuff, etc. and make it more difficult to get them. Say the orc with a specialty with axes could be a merc you hire for 2000 gold or something. A few non combat companions would be great to so long as they had skills. A medic or a fisherman for example, or a hunter. IF you could set up camp in the wilderness these guys would be able to really shine.