So after taking some time off, mostly playing Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness (yes, I prefer it to Sunshine Islands), I'm giving Skyrim another go. Main change this time around is using AFT instead of UFO for followers, and one of my video cards fried so I've got graphics settings turned way down and have to restart the game every now and then when it starts to lag too badly. My wife also got me a nice journal on sale from the local bookstore I'm using to keep a record of events from my characters POV. One of these days I'd love to do that for a complete playthrough from Daggerfall through Skyrim...
Changes so far: Went with Ralof from the start and just feeling the Stormcloaks more than usual this playthrough. I've also stuck with not using any "outside" knowledge of alchemy as a test to see how it plays out. Really haven't see much practical effect: alchemy levels up fast enough i got the experimenter perks quickly enough to not worry about it. I'll ding 100 soon and turn it legendary once I've got most if not all of the ingredients 'known'. Money seemed to be tight for a little longer, but once I got my first major batch of potions made (I think it was around 250) I've been pretty much set for a while.
Highlights so far: I adopted Lucia from Whiterun. Change from my normal playthroughs. I decided it isn't her fault she's a beggar and I shouldn't hold it against her. I just finished the Eldergleam quest where the Kynareth priestess sends me off into what looks like a Spriggan stronghold. I killed the people there (not going to take any chances with Spriggans) and got the sap for her, but remembered my debt to Lucia when I returned to Whiterun, so I shot Brenuin from the shadows when he was begging in the middle of the market square. At least he won's be destroying any more children with his vile path of self inflicted victimhood.
Things are going well with the Dark Brotherhood and Thieves' Guild. I think I'm starting to like Cicero. With all my dealings with Daedra it's hard not to say Astrid should really have seen where her path was leading. Oh, and I killed Nilsine and walked right around the corner to Susanna the Wicked's murder scene and the guard telling me how dangerous the city is...
I suppose it's about time for me to warn the Jarl of Whiterun about the dragons soon (30th of Morning Star 4E 402).
Oh, and I keep saying I'm going to learn how to do enchanting but never do. It was so much simpler when I could just pay the mages guild to enchant things. I suppose I just do the same thing now by paying random shopkeepers for having stuff. I'll bite the bullet one afternoon and actually enchant something. I've got a dozen grand souls to play with, so that should get me somewhere.