Akatosh is the god of time. He basically is time. How the heck are we supposed to stop that? If we destroy Akatosh we destroy time and effectively destroy the world, anyway. If we don't destroy Akatosh he devours the world. What.
Well Akatosh himself seems to think the world would run forever. Or at least thats what I get from his line in http://www.imperial-library.info/content/seven-fights-aldudagga
From the work:
You stupid little #*$&%^, do you even know what would HAPPEN if that happened, my dying and being unable to eat and the kalpa left to run forever?My money says that he doesn't want men to reach the goal that Lorkhan wants them to reach. As it says in this mass of text http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:0hKcgk2nSEYJ:www.imperial-library.info/content/vehks-teaching+he+failed+so+that+they+scrolls+lorkhan&cd=5&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us (Near the bottom).
From the work:
And this is the most-reached destination of all that embark upon this road. Why would Lorkhan and his (unwitting?) agents sabotage their experiments with the Tower? Why would he crumble that which he esteems?
Perhaps he failed so you might know how not to.That say to me that Lorkhan is lighting the way. Akatosh would certainly have none of that.
Yeah, and if he was so evil, why he'd make the pact with Alessia to help the Nedes? Was it self-preservation? If so, why did Akky wait until the third era to make his move - the Septim lines have fizzled out before, and Dagon has invaded before.
EDIT: My gut instinct to let Umaril kill the Nine was correct. :shifty:
I think that Dagon had to get rid of all his extra world bits (explained in the link first link above) before Akatosh could get his dinner. That, or the world only runs for so long. I have reading to do...
Hopefully you'll be also hated for you actions to stop the god of time. The Empire and Aldmer would at least want a word with you.
I'd say that those in the know would love you. Besides the Altmer that is. They'll probably kill you.
Like I previously said, I'm pretty sure most/all of the old kalpa has been destroyed by Dagon now. Alduin cursed Dagon to his current form until he destroyed every piece of the old kalpa he had hidden from him. His plan had been to hide so much stuff in the new world that Alduin's belly would explode and he could no longer eat the world. If Dagon completed his goal in Oblivion, Akatosh has no need to fear his belly bursting. Hence why he waited until now.
Not to be off topic, but I looked on Imperial Library, and saw the different gods they have in Skyrim, even the Nordic aspect of Talos, Lorkahn, etc. Chapels are gonna be interesting there
I agree. They said that a sense of culture was going to be a big part of the game.