In any case. A game shouldn't need mods to be good.
Yet both of them do :shrug:
FWE-WMK-MMM-EVE-PB combination provides nearly everything New Vegas has (apart from different ammo types and Damage Treshold). There is a separate mod that adds Damage Treshold system to the game; "Impervious Power Armour" by The Talkie Toaster.
BTW, did a FWE compatible Iron Sights mod happen when i wasn't looking?
Main thing bothers me in Fallout 3 are that some of the new guns added by FWE are quite low quality compared to the vanilla guns, and have non-fitting reload animations. Good thing they have said that won't happen with Project Nevada. Now if there only was something to shoot at... :hehe:
And i kinda miss Big Guns being removed, of course i might as well change the guns to what they are in NV, lower skillpoint gain and pretend Big Guns skill doesn't exist