» Sun May 01, 2011 4:34 pm
A good read, and I don't recall it ever being posted, though I guess i could be wrong.
I'm much more inclined to believe an article when the writer is unafraid to point out the flaws in a game's early builds, as opposed to a lot of the articles that you run across that are little more than a waterfall of praise.
As for the article itself, one new thing I learned is the emplacement of a timer for the offensive team, and I'm not sure where I stand on this. Matches where the defensive team turtles or the offensive team has given up - these scenarios are of course wastes of time and patience, but sometimes I enjoy half-hour long shootouts. I'll have to give this more thought before I decide on whether or not I approve of this. In the end though, I'm assuming Splash Damage has looked at it from all angles and decided on the most sensible approach.