Buy to play, Pay to play, Pay to win, all terms that can immediately be recognized by everyone in the gaming community. I remember ESO had a dark age where it was as if people disregarded the idea and the only thing that defibed the game from its mainstream non-existence, were the beta's, which is, as of the battlefield series, the single most powerful marketing ploy of all time.
But back to the drawing board, what makes so many people turn away and why?
Lets talk about the subscription model
If you're like me, when you play'ed Oblivion, Skyrim, or even an older game in the series, you treated the game as an escape from the typical atmosphere of either life or other games, or perhaps you just wanted a more realistic and free experience you could just hop onto whenever you wanted to and just say **** you to whatever you were playing during that time I.E. First person shooters, World of Warcraft, any MOBA, an RTS, ect.
And another thing if you would realize if you are somewhat like me, is that you never really spent more than 30 hours at a time in the world of TES. They were all fantastic games, but i dont know anyone who would play them for any hyper-extended period of time, but it NEEDED to be in their game library, it needed to be there if they ever lost internet connection, wanted a more realistic *anything goes* experience. I'd do about 40 or so quests, explore a good fraction of the map, and then call it a game.
I cant do that with TESO
Im paying for my time in TESO, so i'll feel compelled to play the living code out of it until i'm speaking in token accent outside of the game. Which is really going to kill the game long term for me "if i get it". I know everyone here hates to be told these types of things about the game, as they would be considered negative. I just wish this game could give me the same mentality as other TES games, call me casual, but its just the only way i ever found any TES fun, is that it was just a temporary vacation.
I hope the sub doesn't last forever, but it probably will