I'm enjoying Skyrim, though I think the novelty is wearing off a bit after 100h. I find many of the dungeons interesting and at least a couple throw in something different, a cage or floating spheres of light that leave you wondering at what could be coming up next - it's always fun to left wondering

For the most part I'm impressed by the atmospheric lighting too. But.
Nostalgia or not, I find myself continually let down by the ambient sounds. There I am in front of a door, flickering light and darkness, still wondering about an earlier event. I feel a little tension, trepidation at what that door is concealing. Then, as if from nowhere, I hear cave_ambient_wind_2 (invented name) again. Again! That must be, oh I wasn't counting but, it must be at least
many times I've heard it repeated in the past hour. Maybe Mw ambient sounds are not as varied as I imagine but they are used in all the right places: that door a few lines above was a perfect candidate for something new, fresh, spooky, just something to help the tension build. I find the Dwemer ruins particularly disappointing in this regard.
Certainly not nostalgia: Mw smugglers, how many different types were there? I don't mean different in dress or level or name - though that also helps - I mean types as in what they were smuggling? Booze, drugs, alchemical ingredients, cloth, slaves, artefacts. I always felt quite bad when I cleared out a smugglers den only to find their illicit goods consisted of nothing more than smuggled cloth or perhaps they were forging expensive rugs or tapestries? I loved freeing slaves and the bastard smugglers deserved everything they got! So simple, to vary the total feel of a dungeon by the use of a few hand placed items hinting at a back story, making me stop for a second and wonder. For the most part Skyrim is lacking in such little subtleties.