Don't shoot me for it... but I always disliked (read hated) the leveling system in TES.. (needing to jump up and down to grind my running speed... Oh dear..)
But I always tried them... Why? Because I love the setting and the world Bethesda created..
Morrowind was varied, had a great selection of quests..
Oblivion.. Had very varied sidequests and great (imho) storylines for the guilds.. (but damn did I hate these gates..)
In both cases however I hated the leveling system... and in Oblvion the level scaling was (imho) ridiculous... (You mug people.. but you can afford an armor which is almost worth as much as a small house)
Then Skyrim.... now what others will call simplifying I genuinely would label as streamlining.. FInally the system works for me. I don't have to methodically plan a character... (like the SPECIAL system it is fairly basic and logic..and you can now plan your character on the fly).
So good new all around.. but then...
In Skyrim exploring and the design of the world have become the focus.. Story takes a backseat.... and that has been simplified compared to other titles..
A few gripes:
- Followers are bland for the most part.. and carbon copies.. without any background..
- There is no karma or reputation.. system.. I can be evil incarnate and nobody will notice.
- There is no conclusion... (in Oblivion at least people acknowledged that you were the champion of Cyrodil), here dragons keep spawning.. and in fact become a nuisance..
-Guild quests are a joke..
Now... did I arrive at this directly... no... Because (and yes I know this is because it is more accesible...) I was blinded by the pretty lights... and the gaming mechanics..
Because of the things mentioned above.. I got really bored with it.... also because the world and the dungeons are rather straightforward..
Now when I am back in Vegas... there are quests which I never do anymore because I hate them (CFWM), but the game because of its variety still manages to surprise me occasionally. Be it comments... Items I never found before...the story can be varied in any way I like... etc... etc.. In other words it's the same story like many others here..
Which got me thinking... Supposedly Skyrim (I am referencing Howard here..)is the lovechild between TES and FO...

Woooo is us... if that is truly the case..
New Vegas sold more copies... (fair is fair the like/dislike is evenly matched though) (edit than FO3)
But what about the many generally liked improvements..
If FO takes Skyrims trend, all of NV's liked improvements will go...
No more traits..., less skills... (Melee and unarmed will probably be combined), no weapon mods...but the ability to create über awesome weapons on a workbench.. Bland companions.. with generic comments about locations (and after leaving.. Look a cave.... yes we were just there... Lydia)...No more hard core mode... but the availbility of food/beds and beverages everywhere..etc etc..
(oh btw.. on its own Skyrim is a great accomplishment.... but as a modern RPG it is an extremely bland affair)