I would love visible backpacks..
I would love visible backpacks..
If they had had Brahmin's in F:NV I would have used companions. I would have had Raul play the role of Sancho Panza and left him with the "mule" while I went out tilting windmills
Or perhaps you mean "most first-person games of the last thirty years logic". If you're going to bash on something, at least be accurate about it. (And yeah, I still think visible legs looks terrible. And have never thought "can't see my legs, I'm just a floating camera with arms! ")
As for the main topic.... if it's a costume option, that's fine. I won't use it - I'm not a big fan of the "hobo covered in bags/straps/sheathes" look, in fantasy or in sci-fi. Sure, it's not "realistic", but I perfectly fine with Style Over Substance/Rule of Cool in games. Don't need to clutter up a cool looking outfit with cargo bags, unless (of course) I tought that the cargo bag look is "cool".
Where do I store a dozen guns, four suits of armor, and a metric crapton of assorted junk? In my inventory.
How about pack bots or cargo bots. make pack harnesses for them or modify them to carry cargo internally, if they are airborne like Handys or eye bots sling cargo beneath them..
Bots you repair, loot, salvage or capture and program to carry your gear, loot, salvage, supplies, to help you repair, fabricate, upgrade or build items for your self or others as a trade you practice to help fund your travels.
You program them to evade capture or theft, defend your property you program them to be a near by mobile field base to return to or rendezvous with for healing, resupply, swapping out gear and or tools, or call them in to help you loot, salvage or repair what you find including new bots, tools or weapons. They'd be a nice fill in until you can call in a vertibird for transport, and useful for saluaging, repairing or building things you need tended to while you are away when you can spare them.
I hadn't thought of backpacks before.. but yeah, that would be really great. Especially if they added a bit to how much you could carry. One thing that does get tiresome after awhile is traveling back and forth to dump your loot. Especially if you are playing a "no fast travel" run. This was never really a problem in the TES series because you could use magic and enchanting to greatly increase your carry load.
Ive used some backpack mods for Fallout before. Blackwolf Backpacks being my favourite for Fallout 3.
Its just a simple idea really, a item you equip to increase your carryweight. More pouches, more stuff you can fit into your weird inventory pocket dimension. It'd be nice to have similar items in Fallout 4, although the backpacks model looked very weird when you had a two handed rifle on your back. It clipped right through the centre of the pack, and you'd have a weird thing going on where you move your gun through your pack to get it into your hands.
I never saw the big deal with backpacks. Not to mention, with regards to mods, the balance issue of having a "+50 Carry Weight" item you can equip that doesn't overwrite any other slot. Having general apparel items like the Roving Trader Outfit that buff our carry weight would be fine, though.
As for a bottomless inventory, I doubt they'd ever do that. Not just for balance reasons, but for the functionality of the game itself. The more items you put in a container, the longer it takes to load, although generally you won't notice something until you're several thousand items in. But the players needs something to keep them from just grabbing everything they find, or eventually their inventory will become so bloated it's impossible to even open it with freezing the game. I remember a glitch in Skyrim where people would always have issues with inventory loading, and it turned out the game for some reason decided they should have about 12,000 Dwemer Museum Keys.