I think it would be good if you could have a back pack in skyrim that will add say and extra 100 to the amount of wait you can carry, they could also be diffrent sizes so more expensive, bigger bags hold more, but cheaper smaller ones hold less. i think this would be good as when im edventuring i always run out of space for things i want, and i have to lose one other good thing for the new good item, a back pack i could pull out to carry some extra stuff would be good. And then i can take it off when i have cleared enough space in my inventory after my quest or whatever im doing. back packs could be visible or invisible, in the game play trailer, when the hooded figure is walking down a streed he has a little bag on his hip, although it is probably completly decorational, being able to but back packs or some kind of bag would be good for when looting, the bags would probably have to be expensive, like 5000 coins or something, but i think they would improve gameplay.
and yes i know it is like dragon age, and no im not trying to turn elder scrolls into dragon age.
Edit: should make it clear that you can only have one backpack, it would work like the pouches in assassins creed 2 and brotherhood, and it would slightly increase the amount of wieght you could carry, and i dont care if its not that realistic, its a game not real life. there are not dragons and trolls in real life, but i dont hear you complain about that.