I guess that is why I have a difficult time understanding all of this. I live between three mountain ranges in interior Alaska. 350 miles from the nearest ocean where the wind from the ocean could never drive the winds that come here. We have horrific winds at my home. The wind comes down from any three of those mountain ranges. So, again...how do you know which direction the wind is blowing from in this video. I think I need a more detailed explanation and would surely appreciate it.
Sure. Allow me to elaborate as I believe I have arrived at a logical conclusion. First, we will establish the facing of the windmill. You would want the wind coming from the direction the main shaft (going from the center, to the blades) is pointing, that way the building doesnt block 2/3 of the wind and lower your power. Also, we can agree it appears the ocean is behind the windmill in this video, correct? With as much as we can see, thats what it looks like. Second, let me establish the direction wind would blow. We all agree that hot air expands, becoming less dense than cold air, ok. We also agree that due to the closer proximity of particles, solid objects would absorb heat faster than a liquid. Therefor, water (the liquid, obviously) would heat more slowly than land (the solid) when the sun rises and casts it's heat energy upon the Earth. (This also creates the opposite effect when the sun sets at night, but nobody grinds wheat at night so that is irrelevant) This creates warmer, expanding air over the land, whilst the air over the water remains cooler and more compacted. This makes uneven pressure. The pressure overland is far greater than over water, so what occurs? Wind. Wind is the equaling in pressures between different regions. Therefor, the higher pressure area of the land would blow towards the less dense area over the water, attempting to obtain equilibrium. This creates a wind that blows out towards the water. Which is behind the windmill. Therefor the wind is blowing directly into that windmill (or at least from that general side) coming from the camera, going towards the windmill and backround.
However, now that I look at it, the blades aren't even tilted. So I dont think that windmill would function very well at all. But it depends. Is the intent to catch wind like a sail, or be pushed a certain direction by it like a propeller blade? If its a blade they should be tilted, if a sail, there should be cloth over it.
Either way its a crapshoot and something needs to be done about it. But we have at least established that the wind is blowing towards it. >.>