Everyone's excuse that this game is a "console game" (which doesn't make sense, by the way; a game is a game), is that it isn't an open world game. Do you cry babies honestly think that you can't have an open world game on a game console?
A game is a game. The only limitation that could feasibly be conceived by it being multiplatform is that the console version isn't capable of looking as good as a high end PC. What about GTA IV? Far Cry 2? Fallout? Oblivion? The difference between console and PC? A few graphical privileges that you get by owning a good PC.
The decision not to make Crysis 2 open world has nothing at all to do with consoles. It has to do with developers wanting to make a better game. Yes, we can all gawk at Crysis but in the end, the set up of Crysis 2 makes for a better experience. #1, the setting of the game wouldn't make sense if it were fully open world. #2, how open is Crysis? Your objectives are still the same, no? One objective with one way to complete it. Crysis' open world is more of an illusion than an open world game like Falllout or TES.
What would we gain by being able to explore the city more? A distraction? Not that there's anything wrong with that, but the lack of it doesn't make the game worse. Anyone who says that a console couldn't handle the game if it were open world is either blind, stupid, or such a dedicated fanboy that would complain regardless.