Greetings Nilms,
Are you still experiencing CTDs? And if so, is it _only_ when approaching Sancre Tor? I had a mysterious CTD issue appear any time I entered the Tamriel worldpace from anywhere else (a city, and internal cell, etc). What made it even tougher to troubleshoot was the fact that it was not always instant... sometimes it was, but other times it could take a min or two. I could even explore a little before the CTD in some cases.
Anyway, I see that same mod in your load order, and couldn't help but wonder, especially when you mentioned corrupted saves. (Forgive me for not naming the mod outright... I don't want to say anything negative about someone's hard work, especially if it is not applicable. Plus, many people use this mod without issue, so no need to get too far ahead of myself)
If you have CTDs in other parts of Tamriel, it _could_ be the same issue. But if it's truly only at Sancre Tor, then it almost certainly is _not_ related.
Good Evening Vegtabill,
I eventually managed to get out of Ninevada after many failed attempts,and I now have an uncorrupted saves list. It cleared its self after I reinstalled the removed Mod Artefacts of the Ancestors.
I've made numerous attempts getting into Sacre Tor from all directions. Every try results in CTD. I even tried getting in using console command "TCL",Still crashed.
A strange thing happened while i was in the testinghall. Went into one the many rooms,then I had the Quest message pop up "you've found Sancre Tor".
I've never encountered problems like this with a number of game runs.
After some good pieces of advice from various people I'm i the process of trying to clean my Mod list. Thats come to a abrupt Halt trying to clean Artefacts of the Ancestors .
When its run with TES4Edit for cleaning its crashed with a Fatal error message:
[00:18] Background Loader: [Artefacts of the Ancestors.esp] Building reference info.
[00:19] Background Loader: Fatal:
[00:19] Background Loader: finished
Even on the Cleaning Guide it mentions problems with this Mod.
I've been asking for help to fix it but with no luck so far.I think I have the required tools to fix it,but I'm not very good using them,and finding instructions is hard also :blush:
I'm now getting to the mind thought this might be the end using the Mod. Which is a shame because it a really Good Mod. Plus am I going to get the same problems if the Mod is removed resulting in corrupt saves.
I won't have a proper answer for you until I've finished cleaning the rest of the Mods,and fixing Ancestors.
Once I'm up and running or Crashed and Burned I'll let you know.