Bad, Infuential Intro.. The Imperials.

Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 6:22 pm

If the Empire is keeping the Dominion out of Skyrim, then who are all those Thalmor Justiciars?

Haven't you people listened to the Imperials when they talk? I was just quoting them, Lol.
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Harinder Ghag
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:33 am

its because the empire is no longer its self, banning talos is like banning the empire, the people who truly care for the empire would appose the new way.

that said the balence is the fact storm cloak leaders are also [censored] and will c it all burn if nesseresary.
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Eve Booker
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 2:51 pm

I was just quoting the Imperial Soldiers. But if you want to go that route, I'll say this: If the Empire ever wants to be rid of the Thalmor, and I know Skyrim does, then they'll need to stand together, as they will surely fall to the Aldmeri separately.
Hammerfall is doing a good job fighting the Thalmor all on its own. And they have no choice but to do so, because the Empire abandoned them.

The choices aren't to "Get rid of the Empire" or "Get rid of the Thalmor." The choice is to fight the Thalmor or not.
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:16 am

From torturers, executions, arrogant officers, the cluelessness of general Torvell about Nord culture, the oafs in the battleborn family, the banning of Talos....

They make it really hard to like the Empire
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Jennie Skeletons
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 7:05 pm

Alfrek killed the high king. Pick your choice. Would you go with someone who tried to killed you or your president? That's basically what it is

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Patrick Gordon
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 12:30 pm

Hammerfall is doing a good job fighting the Thalmor all on its own. And they have no choice but to do so, because the Empire abandoned them.

The choices aren't to "Get rid of the Empire" or "Get rid of the Thalmor." The choice is to fight the Thalmor or not.

I imagine the Empire will toss the Thalmor eventually. Ironically, and on another subject, Ulfric starts the war based on Talos, when in reality, leaving the Empire is more of a slap to the face to Tiber Septim than not worshiping him.
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 12:13 pm

Hadn't picked a side and just stuck with the dragonborn quest, there is a point where both sides come together in the quest line with this option, the stormcloaks showed their true colors at that point. Glad my nord fighter didn't go with them now. On the other hand i have started a thief who did and will back them up 100%...should be interesting.

True colors? Because they don't want to lay down and give up important areas, while wanting more land from the deal? The imperials are the same way in that situation.

After the into I immediately wanted to join the Stormcloaks. Then I met Ulfric...

What a [censored] [censored]. I prefer to start a revolution against the empire under my own banner, than to have to listen to that thickheaded lunatic.

What exactly is thickheaded about him?

What the Stormcloaks like to forget is that the Empire is what's keeping the Dominion out of Skyrim.

The empire is a puppet, too weak to fight them off so they submit to exist. The Thalmor are running the show.
They have purges and take anyone they want to for "questioning", many never return.
The nords fought and died for the emperor, and for what? So they can have the way of life changed? To throw away the hero Talos?
The empire was so weak that the reserve army of the Dominion steam rolled them, while the redguards held them at bay, refused to give up and kept fighting for years after the treaty. All on their own, while the mighty empire toppled like a house of cards.
The empire has been in decline for far longer than 200 years.

sure, most people will join the stormcloaks. but the smart ones will look further than the message of Ulfric and they will realize the empire is needed if they don't want the thalmor to take over.

Ulfric and his stormcloaks are just tools that are allowed to exist because they weaken the empire.

divide and conquer is what the thalmor are doing.

The Thalmor already took over, they run the show and the empire has to like it, the empire is bleeding men when it could have just let Skyrim go and made a treaty with them, and have secreat dealing with Hammerfell.

What the Stormcloaks don't forget is that the Thalmor are directly controlling the Empire.

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Michelle Smith
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 7:42 pm

All the thalmor i have came across seem to be dragging people out of skyrim to interrogate them for worshipping talos.
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Marguerite Dabrin
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 6:07 am

The imperials try to execute you, true.

But after you escape it's an imperial who leads you to saftey and the stormcloaks who are attacking you.
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Mandy Muir
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:24 pm

The imperials try to execute you, true.

But after you escape it's an imperial who leads you to saftey and the stormcloaks who are attacking you.

If you follow ralof, imperials attack you instead.
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Rodney C
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 7:10 am

not yet. why do you think this?

Seems like nobody noticed the Thalmor at the carriage to Helgen giving direct orders to Tullius.
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Jerry Cox
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:24 am

I keep hearing one thing from everybody about why they side with the Stormcloaks... "THE IMPERIALS ALMOST CHOPPED MY HEAD OFF!"

It's not fair that Bethesda started you out with a negative view towards one of the only factions that you have to chose from. It pushes so many people to the Stormcloaks.

I really believe there should have been a neutral opening... or made the Stormcloaks do something just as bad.

Just because that one Commander at that stronghold was... a not to nice person... it influences the players judgement with the faction throughout the whole game. That is not right..


Read this article, it explains why the game is so well written and why the bad guy is not so obvious and makes you THINK.

I know sme people like a black and white world, but skyrim is complex and layered, thats what makes it so compelling.
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Sheila Esmailka
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:29 pm

I suppose I'm just a bit biased. I love the Empire and all it stands for. After fighting for it in Oblivion, I can't stand being against it with those bloody Stormcloaks and that power hungry murderer Ulfric. I enjoy wearing his clothes around, for what it's worth.
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:17 pm

The imperials try to execute you, true.

But after you escape it's an imperial who leads you to saftey and the stormcloaks who are attacking you.

It can be the other way around depending who you choose to escape with
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victoria gillis
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 3:38 pm

Seems like nobody noticed the Thalmor at the carriage to Helgen giving direct orders to Tullius.

They were petitioning the General for Ulfric's release. He refused them, and tried to rush the execution before the Thalmor went over his head. This is mentioned in the Thalmor file on Ulfric

The Thalmor have a treaty with the Empire, albiet a one in their favor due to the Empire suing for peace first to spare their people more bloodshed. They do not control the Empire. Most Imperials are certain that the war will begin again against the Thalmor, its only a matter of time. The Thalmor and the Empire are still enemies.
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Wayne W
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 6:37 pm

Lol i always thought stormcloaks were evil tbh. murdering a king? that is really nice. haha Ulfric wasnt made to look good and niether were the Empire
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Charlotte Buckley
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 7:45 am

I keep hearing one thing from everybody about why they side with the Stormcloaks... "THE IMPERIALS ALMOST CHOPPED MY HEAD OFF!"

It's not fair that Bethesda started you out with a negative view towards one of the only factions that you have to chose from. It pushes so many people to the Stormcloaks.

I really believe there should have been a neutral opening... or made the Stormcloaks do something just as bad.

Just because that one Commander at that stronghold was... a not to nice person... it influences the players judgement with the faction throughout the whole game. That is not right..

The "just as bad" counterpart is arriving in Windhelm eager to join the cause, only to realize the Stormcloaks could give lessons to High Elves about the art of being xenophobic bigoted jerks. Then you do a 180° turn and go back to Solitude join the Imperials, who you've had time to find out are actually the nice, composed, open minded, tolerant, peace and order promoting faction.
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Spooky Angel
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:54 pm

I actually think the entire game leans very much towards the Imperials, atleast in my perception. It also doesn't seem to make sense to join the Stormcloaks if you're not playing a Nord, since most if not all of them are racist bastards.
Since the Nords are only 1 out of 10 races, I'd say having one out of only 2 factions be completely biased towards them seems a bit rediculous even if they are the indigenous people

I actually feel I have to make my next character a Nord just so he/she can join the Stormcloaks
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Lynne Hinton
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 7:55 am

not yet. why do you think this?

They are in control, like it or not. The influence is everywhere.

I was just quoting the Imperial Soldiers. But if you want to go that route, I'll say this: If the Empire ever wants to be rid of the Thalmor, and I know Skyrim does, then they'll need to stand together, as they will surely fall to the Aldmeri separately.

You mean like when the empire kicked out Hammerfell, and they went on to fight the Thalmor to a stand still over years all by them little self's?

its because the empire is no longer its self, banning talos is like banning the empire, the people who truly care for the empire would appose the new way.

that said the balence is the fact storm cloak leaders are also [censored] and will c it all burn if nesseresary.

Correct, the empire is literally dead.
Talos founded the empire, and now they lay down and give up after getting steam rolled by the backup army, while the Redguards fight off the main army, with greater success.

Hammerfall is doing a good job fighting the Thalmor all on its own. And they have no choice but to do so, because the Empire abandoned them.

The choices aren't to "Get rid of the Empire" or "Get rid of the Thalmor." The choice is to fight the Thalmor or not.

I agree, you either fight the Thalmor, or you join them.
The empire would have been much better off to have underhanded deals with Hammerfall (Hammerfell? I forget sorry) and let Skyrim loose and form a treaty.
Instead they bleed men and supply's infighting.
They let don't even contact the Black marsh who basically told the Thalmor to kiss it, after they figured out what was going on.

From torturers, executions, arrogant officers, the cluelessness of general Torvell about Nord culture, the oafs in the battleborn family, the banning of Talos....

They make it really hard to like the Empire

The empire makes it hard to like the empire. They laid down and died, and then took a binding peace with them, abandoned the Redguards, and made the nords angry.

Alfrek killed the high king. Pick your choice. Would you go with someone who tried to killed you or your president? That's basically what it is


He killed the king to prove a point, and he did not shout him to death, even the widow lies about it along with her entire court, who happen to be in bed with the empire.
If anyone knew the truth it would have been the people in the high court who where there, they lied while Ulfric tells you the truth.
They are making a outrageous claim to deface the SC rebels, and lie to people.

I imagine the Empire will toss the Thalmor eventually. Ironically, and on another subject, Ulfric starts the war based on Talos, when in reality, leaving the Empire is more of a slap to the face to Tiber Septim than not worshiping him.

The old empire is all but dead, the current empire is a shadow of its self, with leaders who are compliant with the elves want.
The have little to no power, be it standing army or political, they abandoned the redguards, and made the last powerfully province they had angry.
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Tamika Jett
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:19 pm

As a Khajiit, I want the option to side with the Thalmor and the Aldmeri Dominion. (If you haven't read the lore, you won't understand.)

To help the Thalmor cause you need to not get involved in the civil war. As some of the documents you can find state, they benefit most from the war continuing.

Of course, not every khajiit may want that, my spellsword for example is born and raised in Cyrodiil, apart from apperance as imperial as they get :hehe: And the "nearly getting executed" part was a misunderstanding due to getting caught with the rebels, [censored] tends to happen in wars :shrug:
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Cool Man Sam
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:16 pm

This all reminds me of The Pitt DLC for Fallout 3.

The end result was bad no matter which side you chose

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Kayla Bee
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 7:59 pm

The problems is the imperials are general jerks and almost chop your head off because you were there and it would be a bother to fill out the paperwork it would take NOT to chop your head off after they went through the trouble it took to gather you.

On the other end the storm cloaks start off sounding like nice people but turn out to be a bunch of racist nord supremacists.

and why don't we want the elves to just take over and kill both groups?
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Anna Krzyzanowska
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:25 am

The old empire is all but dead, the current empire is a shadow of its self, with leaders who are compliant with the elves want.
The have little to no power, be it standing army or political, they abandoned the redguards, and made the last powerfully province they had angry.

Well, leaving it certainly isn't going to help its strength, now is it? We must fight for the Empire! :obliviongate:


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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 12:41 pm

not yet. why do you think this?

The Empire has ceded MUCH of its sovereignty to the Dominion. Do they directly control the Empire in its entirety? No. But you have Thalmor Justicars running around giving orders to some of the Legion, arresting Imperial citizens... Imperials I don't think are even allowed in the Dominion, much less allowed to arrest people or have any authority.

I imagine the Empire will toss the Thalmor eventually. Ironically, and on another subject, Ulfric starts the war based on Talos, when in reality, leaving the Empire is more of a slap to the face to Tiber Septim than not worshiping him.

Not worshipping a god is a bigger slap in "His" face than destroying an Empire "His" heirs no longer control? They may claim to be the legitimate successors to Tiber's empire, but it's not.

Furthermore, one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. There are similarities between Ulfric and guys like Hitler or Guevara, yes, but there are also similarities with George Washington...
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 7:32 am

Hammerfell only beat the Aldmeri back because of the Empire's help. The Imperial Army left behind an enormous amount of "invalids" to assist Hammerfell in recovering their territory. The Aldmeri also removed forces from Hammerfell to converge on the Imperial City, creating a great opportunity for the allied Imperial-Redguard forces. That's how they drove them back, they didn't do it alone as many insinuate.
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