Bad, Infuential Intro.. The Imperials.

Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 12:49 pm

I am generally annoyed that you can't choose neither (triple negative???? errrr). I think they are both a bunch of idiots for the respective reasons mentioned in this thread. IMHO, of course.
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Georgine Lee
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 3:49 pm

Hammerfell only beat the Aldmeri back because of the Empire's help. The Imperial Army left behind an enormous amount of "invalids" to assist Hammerfell in recovering their territory. The Aldmeri also removed forces from Hammerfell to converge on the Imperial City, creating a great opportunity for the allied Imperial-Redguard forces. That's how they drove them back, they didn't do it alone as many insinuate.

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Elizabeth Falvey
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:57 am

Seems like nobody noticed the Thalmor at the carriage to Helgen giving direct orders to Tullius.

I agree, they are in power. Directly or not.
They freely walk around empire held land doing as they please, with no one to stop them.

I suppose I'm just a bit biased. I love the Empire and all it stands for. After fighting for it in Oblivion, I can't stand being against it with those bloody Stormcloaks and that power hungry murderer Ulfric. I enjoy wearing his clothes around, for what it's worth.

He did not murder the High king, he challenged him in the old ways of the nords.
Supported by the guy who gets his head lopped off in town and what you learn from others.
He killed him by the sword, not with a shout.

They were petitioning the General for Ulfric's release. He refused them, and tried to rush the execution before the Thalmor went over his head. This is mentioned in the Thalmor file on Ulfric

The Thalmor have a treaty with the Empire, albiet a one in their favor due to the Empire suing for peace first to spare their people more bloodshed. They do not control the Empire. Most Imperials are certain that the war will begin again against the Thalmor, its only a matter of time. The Thalmor and the Empire are still enemies.

They may not directly control them, but they have the power to do as they please.

Lol i always thought stormcloaks were evil tbh. murdering a king? that is really nice. haha Ulfric wasnt made to look good and niether were the Empire

It was not murder, he challenged him to a duel, in nord tradition.

I actually think the entire game leans very much towards the Imperials, atleast in my perception. It also doesn't seem to make sense to join the Stormcloaks if you're not playing a Nord, since most if not all of them are racist bastards.
Since the Nords are only 1 out of 10 races, I'd say having one out of only 2 factions be completely biased towards them seems a bit rediculous even if they are the indigenous people

I actually feel I have to make my next character a Nord just so he/she can join the Stormcloaks

The dummner where that way in Morrowind, the Nords just want Skyrim to be free of outside influence.
The dark elfs had it coming for the way they acted in the past. The lizards hardly ever do anything worth talking about, and there are only a handful in Skyrim.
The khajiit are too high on moon sugar and skooma to care, all the while in the bed with the elfs.
The Redguards and Nords seem to get along well enough, and they are holding their own against the elves.
The elves are on the other side, and the Orcs apparently don't care.
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Ana Torrecilla Cabeza
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:33 pm

My 1st char was a Nord, so naturally I went right to Ulfric... however, some of the things he says... wow

At some points during the stormcloak line, Ulfric also appears hesitant to rip apart the country... and then Galmar opens his mouth too and says just the right things to keep him going like a madman

Regardless, having played through both lines.... I'll now settle for not joining either side and provoking all the Thamar I can, to their deaths :D
I sleep easy now with this MO as my solution of choice to the problems in Skyrim.
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Tracy Byworth
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 3:16 pm

What the Stormcloaks like to forget is that the Empire is what's keeping the Dominion out of Skyrim.

What the imperials choose to ignore is the Legion has given the Thalmor free reign to kidnap and murder anyone they choose to think worships Talos. The legion and the empire's great failure of the Mede's is why the Thalmor are in Skyrim in the first place.

The empire is weak. It's losing/lost influence in both Blackmarsh and Elswyer. It's obviously losing influence in Skyrim, the ancestral home of the empire. From what I learned from some of my Akavir friends they're lands aren't terribly big on the empire either.

The empire is dying andcannot be relied upon.

Oh, and Ulfric didn't murder the high king. The challenge of authority in one on one combat is a legal right of the Nord's. The Imperials arrested Ulfric for beating their puppet, not for violation of Any Skyrimium law.

Though ive got an Imperial who may lean towards the Legion, and if not her since she may choose to stay out of it... I'll go with my Khajit for sure.
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 3:04 pm

The intro was good on this. I was mad at BOTH parties in the begining and when I made my choice I went with the lesser of two evils... I chose the Imperials .. yes I was mad at them for trying to chop my head off but I felt the stormcloaks did me a greater injustice of knowing I was innocent and keeping their mouths closed.
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Rude Gurl
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:47 pm

To help the Thalmor cause you need to not get involved in the civil war. As some of the documents you can find state, they benefit most from the war continuing.

Of course, not every khajiit may want that, my spellsword for example is born and raised in Cyrodiil, apart from apperance as imperial as they get :hehe: And the "nearly getting executed" part was a misunderstanding due to getting caught with the rebels, [censored] tends to happen in wars :shrug:

Yes, a few books in game state that the infighting is good for the Thalmor.

The problems is the imperials are general jerks and almost chop your head off because you were there and it would be a bother to fill out the paperwork it would take NOT to chop your head off after they went through the trouble it took to gather you.

On the other end the storm cloaks start off sounding like nice people but turn out to be a bunch of racist nord supremacists.

and why don't we want the elves to just take over and kill both groups?

I don't really think they are as bad as you think.

Well, leaving it certainly isn't going to help its strength, now is it? We must fight for the Empire! :obliviongate:

Pissing the nords off didn't help much did it? Nor did giving the redguards the boot.

Hammerfell only beat the Aldmeri back because of the Empire's help. The Imperial Army left behind an enormous amount of "invalids" to assist Hammerfell in recovering their territory. The Aldmeri also removed forces from Hammerfell to converge on the Imperial City, creating a great opportunity for the allied Imperial-Redguard forces. That's how they drove them back, they didn't do it alone as many insinuate.

The empire did nothing and got demolished by the backup Thalmor army, the army that was only meant as a distraction.
Then after they booted Hammerfell, they continued to fight with no outside help for what 5 years? and did a good job of it too.

They did do it alone, for 3 or 5 years (I forgot), the reason the armo changed targets is because the empire was such a push over, so they swapped from a area they where having a rough go at it, to one where they won.
Then after the empire booted Hammerfell out, the went back and fought them some more, with no luck again. For years.
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Raymond J. Ramirez
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 11:24 am

They may not directly control them, but they have the power to do as they please.

That is part of the treaty unfortunately. But it was either that or have the bulk of the Dominion's forces pillaging the countryside for the last 30 years.
The Justicars were not even there until after the Markarth Incident, which the Thalmor masterminded to give themselves a reason to assert the ban on Talos. If anyone is a pawn of the Thalmor, it's Ulfric, not the Empire. It's all in their own reports on him.

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Rachel Hall
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:55 am

Hammerfell only beat the Aldmeri back because of the Empire's help. The Imperial Army left behind an enormous amount of "invalids" to assist Hammerfell in recovering their territory. The Aldmeri also removed forces from Hammerfell to converge on the Imperial City, creating a great opportunity for the allied Imperial-Redguard forces. That's how they drove them back, they didn't do it alone as many insinuate.

You should read that book more carefully,

The Hammerfall legions having attained a partial victory and about to go on the offensive were ordered to march to Cyrodiil to protect the imperial heartland. In other words, redguards were being sacrificed to save imperials.
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 6:41 am

What the imperials choose to ignore is the Legion has given the Thalmor free reign to kidnap and murder anyone they choose to think worships Talos. The legion and the empire's great failure of the Mede's is why the Thalmor are in Skyrim in the first place.

The empire is weak. It's losing/lost influence in both Blackmarsh and Elswyer. It's obviously losing influence in Skyrim, the ancestral home of the empire. From what I learned from some of my Akavir friends they're lands aren't terribly big on the empire either.

The empire is dying andcannot be relied upon.

Oh, and Ulfric didn't murder the high king. The challenge of authority in one on one combat is a legal right of the Nord's. The Imperials arrested Ulfric for beating their puppet, not for violation of Any Skyrimium law.

Though ive got an Imperial who may lean towards the Legion, and if not her since she may choose to stay out of it... I'll go with my Khajit for sure.

Quoted for truth.
The funny part is, the widow had to be present, along with the court for the challenge, and they STILL LIE about what really went down.
Ulfirc says it, and the gate guard confirmed it. The challenge was issued, and the High king lost. The court of the High king was so confident in his ability that flat out state "that if they had know what Ulfirc wanted they would have barred the gates and prevented him from entering the city", why have a high king who is such a coward?

The intro was good on this. I was mad at BOTH parties in the begining and when I made my choice I went with the lesser of two evils... I chose the Imperials .. yes I was mad at them for trying to chop my head off but I felt the stormcloaks did me a greater injustice of knowing I was innocent and keeping their mouths closed.

yeah, because the imperials would take the word of the people they are fighting. :shakehead:
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jessica robson
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 11:14 am

You should read that book more carefully,

The Hammerfall legions having attained a partial victory and about to go on the offensive were ordered to march to Cyrodiil to protect the imperial heartland. In other words, redguards were being sacrificed to save imperials.

I didn't notice anything like that. I'll have to read it again when I get some time.

But if they were aided by the Imperials to expel the Dominion from Hammerfell, doesn't it make sense that they assist Cyrodiil in their greatest time of need? The bulk of the Dominion were concentrated on Cyrodiil. And I think I remember the book stating that the Imperial invalids remained in Hammerfell. Again, I'll have to read it again to refresh my memory.
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Gemma Woods Illustration
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:32 am

Read the books. The Empire were forced to sign a treaty with the Aldmeri Dominion. They were too weakened to continue fighting. It seems painfully obvious to me, currently playing as a Dunmer who sided with the Imperials and has just reclaimed the Jagged Crown, that the Thalmor are the real enemy. Nobody expects the White-concordat, or whatever it's called, to hold for long. Once the Empire has regained its strength, I believe they will fight back. And, with Skyrim being such an essential part of taking back Imperial City, it needs to be in the Empire.

I entered the game prepared to sign-on with Ulfric.
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His Bella
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 11:55 am

This is how I look at it now after playing the game through once. Ulfric likes to make speeches to move his people, and does a pretty good job about it. He wants to have Skyrim to be free and independent and a lot of his cause for war is based off of the religious views and how the Empire banned Talos. They're mad at the Empire for submitting to the Thalmor when the Empire couldn't do much in the first place since the Empire is practically fragmented anyway. Ulfric makes speeches about all of that, but to me he hides his true motive that he just wants to have power and is willing to kill anyone that gets in his way.

The Empire while serving the Thalmor seems to serve them begrudgingly. They know that they need to keep the Empire held together if they are to survive the Thalmor occupations, and that the Thalmor want nothing more than to have the nations of the Empire fight amongst themselves and weaken them for the when the Thalmor decide to attack again. The Thalmor are pretty cunning in their strategy and they knew that the removal of Talos would cause a major rift amongst the people of the Empire and would cause infighting. This is all part of their plan to rid Nirn of Man and reestablish the Elven dominance again.
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sarah taylor
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:31 pm

That is part of the treaty unfortunately. But it was either that or have the bulk of the Dominion's forces pillaging the countryside for the last 30 years.
The Justicars were not even there until after the Markarth Incident, which the Thalmor masterminded to give themselves a reason to assert the ban on Talos. If anyone is a pawn of the Thalmor, it's Ulfric, not the Empire. It's all in their own reports on him.

In game books explain that he learned what was going on and was sorry for it, then he seen how much the empire and the High king are just puppets.
He has no ties to them anymore from my understanding.

You should read that book more carefully,

The Hammerfall legions having attained a partial victory and about to go on the offensive were ordered to march to Cyrodiil to protect the imperial heartland. In other words, redguards were being sacrificed to save imperials.

Along with the nords, who fought and died only to have the current state of affairs forced on them.
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Tyler F
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:33 pm

Whats amusing is that if you pick your race as Imperial (hows that a race btw??)...they are trying to kill one of their own!
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Syaza Ramali
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 3:53 pm

I find the introduction indeed very biased.

1. Helvar is more honourable and helpful/humanity centred person than Ralof.
2. The loot you get from following Helvar is lesser than if you followed Ralof.
3. Ulfric is the worst NPC I met when it came to morality and such.

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Laura Ellaby
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:47 pm

Seems like nobody noticed the Thalmor at the carriage to Helgen giving direct orders to Tullius.

no they weren't.

@ zenn3k, imperials (cyro-nords) are a race, what don't you understand?
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 2:47 pm

As a Khajiit, I want the option to side with the Thalmor and the Aldmeri Dominion. (If you haven't read the lore, you won't understand.)

Could you people eloborate and expand on its sources? I am a Khajiit as well and favouring the Imperials as it is.
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Chris Johnston
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:46 pm

It can be the other way around depending who you choose to escape with

Wait really? Wow I never realized you could go with the other guy, I guess I was too busy watching Alduin pick that one guy off the ramparts and fling him like a ragdoll. :P
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Isabell Hoffmann
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:51 am

Read the books. The Empire were forced to sign a treaty with the Aldmeri Dominion. They were too weakened to continue fighting. It seems painfully obvious to me, currently playing as a Dunmer who sided with the Imperials and has just reclaimed the Jagged Crown, that the Thalmor are the real enemy. Nobody expects the White-concordat, or whatever it's called, to hold for long. Once the Empire has regained its strength, I believe they will fight back. And, with Skyrim being such an essential part of taking back Imperial City, it needs to be in the Empire.

I entered the game prepared to sign-on with Ulfric.

Then why not let them bee instead of bleading out money, troops and supplys. Just boot them out like they did Hammerfell?
Problem solved.
You now have three standing army's, who could be allied, fighting on one or up to three separate fronts, each would still be in a better position as ally's.

This is how I look at it now after playing the game through once. Ulfric likes to make speeches to move his people, and does a pretty good job about it. He wants to have Skyrim to be free and independent and a lot of his cause for war is based off of the religious views and how the Empire banned Talos. They're mad at the Empire for submitting to the Thalmor when the Empire couldn't do much in the first place since the Empire is piratically fragmented anyway. Ulfric makes speeches about all of that, but to me he hides his true motive that he just wants to have power and is willing to kill anyone that gets in his way.

The Empire while serving the Thalmor seems to serve them begrudgingly. They know that they need to keep the Empire held together if they are to survive the Thalmor occupations, and that the Thalmor want nothing more than to have the nations of the Empire fight amongst themselves and weaken them for the when the Thalmor decide to attack again. The Thalmor are pretty cunning in their strategy and they knew that the removal of Talos would cause a major rift amongst the people of the Empire and would cause infighting, and it is all part of their plan to rid Nirn of Man and reestablish the Elven dominance again.

Booting Skyrim like Hammerfell would have been a better option then infighting.
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Marine Arrègle
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 6:25 am

Could you people eloborate and expand on its sources? I am a Khajiit as well and favouring the Imperials as it is.

indeed, the thalmor lied to the khajiit people about the moons and stuff i read so there's no reason for (smart) khajiits to side with the thalmor.
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Jack Walker
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:31 pm

The imperials might start off on a bad footing, but if you keep your eyes and ears open you start to see the stormcloaks have a lot of features one can disagree with too - It's a complex political situation and can't be summed up with "head -> neck", not withstanding twists and turns in the plot.


For: The Nords want to rule themselves, shouldn't a sovereign nation be allowed to manage it's own affairs if that is what it's people want? - freedom and liberty and all that crap?

Bad: The stormcloaks are xenophobic, actively persecuting non-nords and this will reflect badly on stormcloak-skyrim foreign policy and once they get back their own way there's a real danger they may split up into independant states with their own jarl as leader in direct conflict with other jarls, if not at swordpoint.


For: Imperial ruled skyrim will be open to all races. Maybe not equal rights (the imperials have a history of marginalising the non human races), but you won't see khajiit caravans being kept out in the cold or dunmer forced to live in the excrement of their nord overlords. It'll also strengthen the empire, which generally isn't a bad thing... if you're a human

Bad: Skyrim will become another puppet state for the aldmeri dominion in the meantime. That may have unpleasant ramifications for man in the long run...
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alyssa ALYSSA
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:42 am

Everyone in the game says that Ulfric is a power hungry mad man but in his dialog he doesn't come off like that to me. Maybe I'm missing something.
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Miranda Taylor
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 7:17 pm

Could you people eloborate and expand on its sources? I am a Khajiit as well and favouring the Imperials as it is.

According to the lore, the Khajiit fell in with the elves because they made the "moons appear again" or some such.

Wait really? Wow I never realized you could go with the other guy, I guess I was too busy watching Alduin pick that one guy off the ramparts and fling him like a ragdoll. :P

You can go with either one.
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Jason White
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:18 am

Could you people eloborate and expand on its sources? I am a Khajiit as well and favouring the Imperials as it is.

In 4E 98, the two moons, Masser and Secunda vanished. Within most of the Empire, this was viewed with trepidation and fear. In Elsweyr it was far worse. Culturally the moons are much more influential to the Khajiit. After two years of the Void Nights, the moons returned. The Thalmor announced that they had restored the moons using previously unknown Dawn Magicks, but it is unclear if they truly restored the moons or just took advantage of foreknowledge that they would return.

Regardless of the truth of the matter, the Khajiit credited the Thalmor as their saviors. Within fifteen years, Imperial influence in Elsweyr had so diminished that the Empire was unable to respond effectively to the coup of 4E 115 which dissolved the Elsweyr Confederacy and recreated the ancient kingdoms of Anequina and Pelletine as client states of the Aldmeri Dominion. Once more the Empire failed to stop the advance of Thamor [sic] power.

I doubt those khajiit traders are really as innocent as they claim.
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