Seems like nobody noticed the Thalmor at the carriage to Helgen giving direct orders to Tullius.
I agree, they are in power. Directly or not.
They freely walk around empire held land doing as they please, with no one to stop them.
I suppose I'm just a bit biased. I love the Empire and all it stands for. After fighting for it in Oblivion, I can't stand being against it with those bloody Stormcloaks and that power hungry murderer Ulfric. I enjoy wearing his clothes around, for what it's worth.
He did not murder the High king, he challenged him in the old ways of the nords.
Supported by the guy who gets his head lopped off in town and what you learn from others.
He killed him by the sword, not with a shout.
Spoiler They were petitioning the General for Ulfric's release. He refused them, and tried to rush the execution before the Thalmor went over his head. This is mentioned in the Thalmor file on Ulfric
The Thalmor have a treaty with the Empire, albiet a one in their favor due to the Empire suing for peace first to spare their people more bloodshed. They do not control the Empire. Most Imperials are certain that the war will begin again against the Thalmor, its only a matter of time. The Thalmor and the Empire are still enemies.
They may not directly control them, but they have the power to do as they please.
Lol i always thought stormcloaks were evil tbh. murdering a king? that is really nice. haha Ulfric wasnt made to look good and niether were the Empire
It was not murder, he challenged him to a duel, in nord tradition.
I actually think the entire game leans very much towards the Imperials, atleast in my perception. It also doesn't seem to make sense to join the Stormcloaks if you're not playing a Nord, since most if not all of them are racist bastards.
Since the Nords are only 1 out of 10 races, I'd say having one out of only 2 factions be completely biased towards them seems a bit rediculous even if they are the indigenous people
I actually feel I have to make my next character a Nord just so he/she can join the Stormcloaks
The dummner where that way in Morrowind, the Nords just want Skyrim to be free of outside influence.
The dark elfs had it coming for the way they acted in the past. The lizards hardly ever do anything worth talking about, and there are only a handful in Skyrim.
The khajiit are too high on moon sugar and skooma to care, all the while in the bed with the elfs.
The Redguards and Nords seem to get along well enough, and they are holding their own against the elves.
The elves are on the other side, and the Orcs apparently don't care.