I have run into http://i.imgur.com/sRnym1g.png while testing out a script which is meant to simply cast a spell at the player on proximity. It says: "Scale Parameters for Magic Effect Damage Health are bad."
This is the script:
begin md15_scr_curse_deathif ( GetDistance, Player < 256 ) if ( Player->GetSpellEffects, "md15_curse_death" == 1 ) Return else Cast, "md15_curse_death", Player endifendifend
And these are http://i.imgur.com/6pXDQlD.png.
The strange thing is that I have nearly the exact same script with a levitation effect and it works perfectly well.
begin md15_scr_levitate_fieldif ( GetDistance, Player < 512 ) if ( Player->GetSpellEffects, "md15_spell_levitate_touch" ) Return else Cast, "md15_spell_levitate_touch", Player endifendifend
I'm not sure what other factors could be at play here...