Regarding the whole difficulty arguments. People go to exceptional lengths arguing to not be considered a bad player. There is nothing inherently wrong with being a bad player, if you learn. We were all bad players at one time. Don't let any elitists or "pros" fool you. They were once bad players too. They had to learn just the same as everyone else how to be a better player.
Really the only bad thing about being a bad player is if you refuse to learn. If you have not legitimately tried to accomplish something in multiple ways including thinking outside the box, getting an extra level or two, improving gear, trying new strategies, thinking about positioning, or asking other players for advice and think that whatever you are facing is an issue? Yes, then it is a bad thing.
I'm currently considered a good player or even a very good player. It took me years to accept this because Dark Age of Camelot was my first MMORPG and it beat the living daylights out of me for like 1-2 years lol. I was constantly learning to improve and always felt like so many people were better than me, still do in fact. So it took me years to realize that I was actually a cut above your average gamer because of that experience. Adversity breeds strength as they say. Because of this I ended up guiding alot of players through the ropes of various MMORPG's. When mentoring someone you have to realize that all the things you consider easy or think they might be stupid for not knowing are the very same things you went through at one time.
These experiences have greatly magnified my enjoyment of games of all sorts. I can appreciate a challenge and I've learned to much more appropriately call out when something is challenging but fair (Dark Souls, Devil May Cry 3, Elder Scrolls Online) or just broken (The original contra without the cheat code hahahaha).
Really you are not a bad player if you learn. You are an inexperienced one and you can be an inexperienced player at something even with years of gaming under your belt. Dark Souls really hammered that home hard for me lol. I still have bruises. You are only a bad player if you refuse to learn and adapt. When you refuse to try all the things at your disposal to beat something but instead consider it broken without even testing out all your options. There will always be better or easier classes/specs/weapons, but as you gain experience as a player in each game you can learn to overcome them all unless they are extremely brokenly bad....which is very rare.
tl;dr Exhaust your resources folks. You'll be surprised what you can accomplish and how much you improve over time.