Wy are you being so hostile towards me? I'm detecting a strong theme of "shut up" from your post. I'm not trying to be hostile, belittle you, or yell. I just don't see any evidence for what you are assuming. Those are some very strong assumptions. Todd mentioned higher resolution and anti-aliasing, but claimed they were aiming to make each version look largely the same and conveniently left out any mention of DX11 or even DX10 support. There's evidence to the contrary of what you're expecting. I'm not trying to say anything back, but for my own reference, please, let me know where in the podcast that was stated about the interface. I don't recall anything about a PC-exclusive interface and Oblivion sure didn't have one nor did Fallout 3. They didn't even make a separate, console-exclusive one for Morrowind when they ported it over to the Xbox. You're assuming things without a shred of evidence supporting them, hence you're, in a sense, wishing or hoping for them.
No, I'm just tired of every response you have to me is thinking I'm overhyping the game when all I'm doing is seeing it for what it is. You have to have an eye for game transitions. You can see how much more amazing a PC version of a game looks over a 360 version and when you look at the quality of the 360 screens of Skyrim and see that they are equal to those of Crysis you can safely say it will be in the ballpark of Crysis, especially if the lighting is as pro as Crysis. I don't know why you keep bringing up directx options the game may have because I never said anything about it in this thread. What evidence to the contrary? I don't see any evidence to the contrary, the only "evidence" is a transcript from a todd interview in a hub update that could be miscommunicated. When todd and Pete say the same thing about PC features of Skyrim, I'll take their word for it over an obscure line in a hub update. Listen to the toddcast, you'll find it. The PC version will have PC only controls for the UI.
I'm not a pessimist. I've already stated that I think it looks beautiful, but not Crysis beautiful (to get an open world RPG's graphics on par with Crysis' in a multiplatform release on the same hardware would require the programmers to be programming gods/goddesses). I've also done nothing but praised much of what I've heard. I'm fully expecting my new favorite game based on my love for past titles and, in particular, the very last one. The new leveling system sounds awesome, the graphics appear to be solid, and I'm just in love with this game and fully trusting of Bethesda, so this is hardly pessimism. However, there are limitations to what can be done and, well, there are limitations and little from Bethesda supporting the inclusion of what you seem to expect.
It looks JUST LIKE CRYSIS. Compare the screens! I keep telling you to compare the screens and no one listens, they are too busy thinking that no one can touch Crysis even though Metro 2033 already has. There aren't limitations to what can be done to the graphics on the game if the game is being made for the console first. You obviously don't work in the VGI because if you did you would know that you don't have to sacrifice graphics for gameplay, what determines if you have to sacrifice graphics is time limitations, not if the game is good.