And once more, your using a game Bethesda didnt make as an example. In FO3 you couldn't do anything but shoot raiders too. Guess who made that game
And in the pc there is another terrible thing, the [censored] PORT, terible controls and keybind restrictions, crap UI like seriously i like the game but is infuriating to not being able to [censored] close my map the way i opened it (pressing M) and other annoying [censored] that im not going to say, they [censored] know their PC controls and UI are terrible because its a [censored] port.
A point of view born of ignorance will still be that no matter how makeup it gets.
You can't change a point of view (*of this kind) based on a post in a forum, it takes a longer life experience, the best we can is engage in long and pointless debate.
If Bethesda won't realize how lackluster its writing and storytelling has gotten, their loss as well as ours, can only hope another company capable of doing big titles will fill in the gap, until then we're all sitting ducks, joy be to those who know little enough to understand the situation they're in.
Not sure the quoting script is working on my browser, but I agree with the OP. I wouldn't say I agree with the extent of your critique of the writing, but the settlements and NPCs wandering and bumping into things has been driving me nuts. It led me to this forum, but I am not seeing any form of solution to my settlement jobs being mixed up and winding up ultimately unassigned.
you have a good point but don't you think bethesda should have gone above and beyond? bethesda didn't make nv but they do own the fallout title, and the point of a sequel is to improve on everything from the past games. they really should have taken cues from nv's writing.
Why do you keep using this argument? So what if Bethesda didn't make that game? They took cues from NV to make Fallout 4, and they take several other things from other modern games to make their next game. Bethesda doesn't exist in a vacuum. They have played New Vegas and have listened to what people said about that game. They know people like the story and dialogue from New Vegas better than Fallout 3.
You cant be ruthless in the game, really? There are plenty of times where you can either kill/execute someone instead of sparing them.
Your opinion is your opinion but I dont get that comment at all.
That's the thing. Raiders is what you get after the roughness of the Wasteland steals everything from someone and beat them down to a point when that individual just snaps and loses who they were... Raiders still have knowledge to have an alpha, follow a leader, build, etc but they don't have intelligence, emotions, etc to that of a normal human because their mind is broken (and soul is gone, if you believe in souls). Raiders are just creatures with only selfish intentions. They rarely care for each other (which is why they are divided in packs and have problems within their own packs).
At best, you might find a recently born Raider.. Which might cureable, if captured... But normally, you find a creature that usually just want to capture you for their own enjoyment (via [censored] or torture)...
(Damn my broken keyboard... It type broke).
The problem is, is still your point of view. That doesnt make it more valid that my or someone else. Alot of ppl and im include myself, think the main story on Fo4 is better that the main story on NV.
Funny story the first time I saw a gunner outside I already met a guy and thought they'd just be a faction so I put my gun down and walked up our of stealth and died very fast one they were able to see me even though I had been a very nice person.
Also people keep mentioning that other people mention non-Bethesda games. Is it wrong to hope a developer can improve? I want to look at new bethesda work and compare it to the weaknesses of old bethesda game and say they learned to do more stuff and learned to get better at their weaknesses.
nv sold more that fallout 3 did on release day because of hype. sequels to well received games are almost certain to get higher sales on day 1.
i doub it Witcher 3 as much u want to call it a masterpiece of RP, isnt much better that Fallout 4. Is more the main story of Witcher feel weak at points and the side quest are a copy paste of "track this, fallow track, kill monster"
I dont doudt Pillars of Eternity will be huge but the whole isometric view fail to catch the attention of alot of ppl.
While overall I like FO4 day one sales are about brand reputation and marketing more then quality because people having played it yet on day one to know how good the game is.
Yeah Witcher 3 was nice, but we fill in the role of a specific character: Geralt. No matter the choices we're still him and have to abide by his character.
I like(d) to think that Bethesda games don't force us to fill a role, we usually play in a big open/sandbox world and do what we wish, shape our own path, our character is whatever we make out of him/her.
Along with the deteriorated quality/content in dialogue and choices, FO4 has forced the family and son searching too much.
If CDPR focus on games where we dont need to fill the role of any main character and can be whatever we wish, that will be great.
yeah but there is where CDPR show their force telling a set story. That why is hard to compare Fo or ES game to Witcher.
Is more ppl tend to said how excellent is the dialogue on Witcher 3, but most of the outcome of the quest cant be change. like on the intro of the Witcher 3 u cant prevent Geralt and his friend from murdering everyone on the inn.
Still till date for me Bethesda is the best companies out there that make good Open world maps, For 4 map for me (is my opinion) is better map that Witcher 3 where i normally find myself just moving trow alot of nothing.
So the FO has turned in COD or AC? Cause both those games also break records every year. And yet, they are the same game every year. And us players keep buying.
It's the same reason Hollywood pumps out the same [censored] every year. We all line up and buy.
Let me give you an example of lack of control in this game and why I call it a "shooter with a big map and bad story" Just arrived at Diamond City. Piper is trying to get inside. She waves me over and asks if i want to get inside. I select the right option "Not Interested" - which to me, means "no". Guess what happens? She continues as if I had selected yes. I know this because this is my second play-though.
What you do in this game doesn't matter. It's go here and kill that , or go here and fetch this (and kill along the way). Even the MQ is all about fetching and killing. Up to the very end.
Is it fun? Yes. Is it a game I will play hundreds hours to see every dialog choice and companion? No. The map isn't that big. And granted, there are a few interesting quests that aren't the norm (side quests), but the whole game is an ok (though predictable and just outright bad) story wrapped inside a shooter.
They only saving grace, IMHO, is modding. But the usual environment, armor, and weapon mods won't be enough. We need new quests, areas, immersion, companions - that's what has kept Skyrim for going so long. Hell, that game is STILL selling and it STILL has an active modding community. Because of game play issues I have my doubts this game will mature into what Skyrim is now.
I'm hoping though. And I'll do my part. By converting some of my mods (advlt mods) to FO4.
I do agree with you. I often boot up Fallout 4 and am so excited to play. But during my multiple hours of play through I sometimes get pulled out of the excitement, or the overall experience, and I'm not quite sure why. I do like all of your points, which I think shed some light on some of the reasons behind me getting pulled out of the overall experience from time to time. I typically play games for the story. Gameplay is fun for me, but not paramount. I am not done with Fallout 4 yet, but i do believe the story is good so far. I know you mentioned the fact that you can't get different scenarios (i.e. uniting factions, etc.) as a result of different dialogue choices you make, however I know that some instances in the story can be played out differently if you have enough "charisma" points invested. This occurs when the different color dialogue options come up in order to give the player different choices. I don't think this was the main point of your original post, but I just wanted to mention it because it has kept me interested in the dialogue I have with different characters throughout the game. Perhaps it can for you too...
Because I love playing games for the story, I invested 8 points into "charisma" so that I have better success when choosing the colored (non green) dialogue choices, and because I invested into the 8th perk in "charisma" that allows your companion to deal more damage. So again, I'm not sure if you've explored this way to play, but the increased chances of using a successful colored (non green) dialogue option has kept the options within the story intriguing for me so far, even if it's something as small as changing an NPC's view of you, or altering how you interact with/fight with a "boss" or other certain characters in the story.
Thanks for the post! It was eye-opening.
U are trying to not fallow the main quest, on NV or Fo3 u cant escape from the main quest.
Tell me how the hell u get inside NV?
Some aspects in Bethesda games are really great, it will take CDPR a while to reach Bethesda level of excellence in things like exploration and shaping the open world with all objects/people/landscape to mess around.
On the (maybe) plus side, there probably has been enough bashing and criticizing about FO4 bad dialogs and lack of choice, heres for hoping Bethesda can take the hint of where they need to massively improve. (Had a much better time talking to NPCs in FO3 and NV, whoever decided on this dialogue mode for FO4 should be [censored] fired.)