So my idea would be to have a bag in the next TES that would serve as inventory space, not letting you carry more than the bag can hold, there would be of course a large number of bags, shapes, colors, personalization, SIZES, etc.
You could have a small over chest bag that carries around money or jewels or well valuable items (if you wish), also you would then have a big bag on your back to carry around all the stuff you find around but this would be limited to the size of the bag and the size or weight of the item. making it more realistic, also when fighting, the bag (if you leave it on) would slow you down and make it more difficult for you to run and strike, (this wouldnt matter if fighting low level mobs) also you would have the option to throw down your bag so you could fight better, also in higher levels when you get a horse you could buy bags for the horse so you can carry around more items and eventually... attach a little caravan to your horse if you are a merchant and carry around lots and lots of stuff.
what do you think? share your thoughts