I came across this interesting article (to me at least) just a few minutes ago and it actually finally hit me of what I've been missing in my rpg's of late, that the reward for exploring and actually playing in the game world has lost its appeal for me.
i would like to hear others opinions on this as well.
heres a quick glimpse for those that dont feel like reading the whole thing
"Balance is important. But too much balance makes things feel static, and — well, boring. Designers need to loosen up – balance is overrated. Let players run off the rails a little more. So what if they get the Sword of Disaster a few levels early, or manage to nuke the Vampire Lord in two rounds due to a clever combination of spells and a good chunk of luck? Those are the kinds of things stories are made of, not that carefully measured incremental advancement you’ve so painstakingly worked out on spreadsheets and flow charts."
this is the exact reason i cant play oblivion anymore without mods like OOO.