» Tue May 31, 2011 1:21 pm
The only way to make balanced weapons is to make every gun without disadvantages. Perfect Dark was the epitome of over powered deadly weapons, but every gun is like that! So every gun is good, so it's balanced!
If you scrutinize each weapons for faults to "balance" it, you just end up with a bunch okay weapons, and one gun that's abused like the grenade launcher in MW2.
I'm not just scrutinizing. My point is that for the MP I would love to see players use different weapons according to the situation and style.
In WARS, players attack/defend/clear buildings with SCAR. You can even snipe with it! No matter what the combat distance is, SCAR is always used. Try and clear a building with the AY69 or the shotgun and you get pwn by some guy with a SCAR. I agree that some players use the FY71 but it is still inferior to SCAR.
Don't get me wrong, I always use the trusty SCAR but that's because I have really no other options to substitute it with.
Ideally, having at least 3 different weapons for each class (assault rifles, smg, shotguns) would be great.