Some legendaries are balanced but others dont seem to be.
Two shot leads to a decrease in accuracy (probably not enough of a decrease...)
Violent drastically increases recoil.
Mighty should be a moderate recoil increase
Ghoul slayer should deal 25% less against humans
Assasin should deal 25% less against ghouls
Mutant slayer should deal 25% less to beasts
Hunter should deal 25% less to mutants.
explosive should lead to a lot less accuracy
Wounding should lead to a 10% fire rate increase
etc. etc.
I liked how some legendaries absolutely ROFLstomped what they were supposed to, and then were nerfed somehow in another way. But then some legendaries simply got massive buffs with no downsides or tiny downsides that could be ignored for the most part (2 shot is still deadly accuracate with many guns at ranges of 200 yards). I think bethesda should make it so that legendaries take a particular buff, and massively buff it, and then make a moderate nerf to something else.