Go to Boston common and talk to the robot
Also always remember to check the quest text
Roger that. Thanks!
Now I can't wait to get off work. Ha!
Wow. Minuteman Outfit armored up to 110 dam 110 energy
with my layered legendary Combat Armors...
200+ dam and 200+ energy...
Wish I could armor up Kellog's or the Drifter, though. I understand the Railroads philosophy. It is intended to be an incognito armor, so regular clothes only. If I could armor up the Militia hat, I would probably wear that with Kellog's or the drifter and be done with it. The other hats you can armor up look silly with Kellog's...
Although, the Atom Cats outfit looks cool. may have to go get that and armor it up....
I had hoped I would be able to armor up my Shrouded Hat, no luck.
The thing is, it is a single player game, so there is no balance issues to be concerned with as you are not getting an advantage over other players. You can play it how you wish. If you feel something is overpowered and ruins your fun, don't use it.
Ballistic Weave is not available for me due to my decisions in the game. I have about 180 defense. I do not have an issue surviving.
And lets not even mention wounding/explosive on fast firing weapons.
Yeah ballistic is probably one of the more balanced things actually....This thread is a mystery.
Actually, what would tickle my fancy if you used 110/110/0/0. Not that I didn't understand what you were saying, but lumping it all together in one number, or even two numbers, doesn't give an accurate portrayal of the Mk 5 Ballistic Weave capabilities. Just like I think of my Shielded Vault 111 Jumpsuit as 0/20/25/0.
Is Ballistic Weave overpowered? Well, maybe at the level you can get it, but I am well above that and my underwear is overpowered.
A shame you can't upgrade low-DR outfits like Kellogg's outfit. But with a fully upgraded ballistic-weave hat and all 5 Toughness perks you can get up to 190 DR, which is pretty good... not as good as the 300 DR it could be, though :/
Can anyone confirm wether you can enhance Road Leathers with Ballistic Weave as well?