There are 5 levels (if you take the relevant perks, of course). If you want to use the Weave but think the top level is too much, stick to level 1.
Problem solved. Game remains unbroken. Immersion intact.
Wait, you can install Ballistic Weave on your own stuff?
How? I've never had the option to upgrade any outfits at the Armorer's I just using the "wrong" outfits?
Yeah, you want something balanced but you are not part of the majority. That's a problem.
Youre' going to need much more justification than simply realism, because as you said, some people like wearing cumbersome armor and some don't.
Same argument, over and over and over and over. Same response; "pretend it isn't there" is not a fix.
Why? If you like the way your character looks with Combat Armor, or think he'd look stupid in a dress..... ok, fine. Don't wear a dress. Wear combat armor. It's great to be able to make your character look how you'd like. Options, gotta love 'em.
(Yes. I'm basically saying "Play Barbie Dress Up鈩? it's fun!". There's a reason my mod downloads are 75%+ armor/clothing/hair/body mods. These games are great for that. )
Now, the people who have some sort of "Must. Wear. Strongest. Gear. Even if I hate it." OCD/obsession thing? Can't help them.
Why? Being right and being popular are not connected.
Realism, immersion and game balance vs tgm playstyle? I think you're confused about where justification is needed.
As I mentioned in my previous post addressed to the OP. A dress removes 3 pieces of legendary armor that could have given you big boosts, that is the tradeoff for pure protection.
Look, if you want something changed for your game, you can do it through mods. if you want Bethesda to officially put it in their patch, you better have a really good balancing reason. On Survival, having a high DR means that you can survive maybe one or two more hits. It's hardly game breaking IMO.
That's really not how it works - most of the time. Against plasma weapons and the few special weapons that do both types of damage, this would be correct. For everything else, there's mastercard the other resistance is useless.
Yep, you know you're about to unlock when the robot (PAM) gives you a quest to secure a DIA cache.
oh, yeah, just list values as XXX/XXX. that is the best way to refer to the actual protection of armor since most enemies dont use plasma.
Ok, but if each portion of the damage is only checked against it's damage type, then doesn't that make it 110 overall? The physical component is reduced by 110 physical armor, and the energy component is reduced by 110 energy armor. Unless the overall plasma damage takes a "balance" penalty compared to single-type weapons, there wouldn't be a difference.
100 damage bullet checks against 50% physical armor = 50 damage
100 damage laser checks against 50% energy armor = 50 damage
50/50 plasma checks against 50%/50% armor = 25 + 25 = 50 damage
Or is that not how it works?