» Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:25 pm
baseline is (this may offend some people) religion is pure hypocrisy (edit for better use)
as an athiest myself i can make judgements based upon my moral values.
example: "god" says thou shall not lie.
ok=> World War 2, you are hiding jews in your basemant, gestapo comes knocking on your door, and asks, "do you know of any jews in the surroundings", a good christian by default would say , o yes we have some in our basemant, cuz you cant lie hurdur...
i dont need a "god" in my life to be happy, i can make up my own mind
so many people are killed over religious conflicts... and for what? for nothing. Unnecessary bloodshed, we are all the same, just a diffirent color thats all. religion has devided so many family's, so many wars have been fought over something fictional, it sickens me...
christians, jews, islam, its all the same batch, all equally hypocrite
sorry had to get this off my chest
ps i dont judge people on their religion, but on the person they are (that is the only correct way) Religion needs to be struck down for people to live normally