Vorians, - you deserve thanks for these wonderful series of quests. I haven't been to Chorrol in a while, and was pleasantly surprised to find new BC quests, and they have been in place for more than 8 months?? This game is just too large - frankly neverending! I am surprised these haven't got more mentions, possibly because people haven't discovered these quests, perhaps because haven't been to the Twin Goblets Alehouse??
I really like how you've made the Who's the Daddy? quest refer to the archaelogy guild from Lost Spires - I hope I am correct in that thinking? Do you use a OBSE function to determine if Lost Spires is loaded for that quest? Splendid stuff! Also am amazed by how you've made Elena Baeuchamp show the lil' bun in the oven (she looks pregnant!). I still have to play the quest till the end as I am still in Chorrol, but I am looking forward to it.
I would really like to see a completion to the Gate to Darkness quest - I ventrured briefly beyond the gate, and was amazed by the atmosphere, as well as the eternally cursed souls who would vanish as I drew nearer.
What you've done with the available tools makes it awesome! Bethesda should get a clue from modders ingenuity!

PS: Thanks for looking in to the small wall gap. It is so minor, and considering that I'd never see that corner again, I would not try to find a solution.