I have a request I would like to make, I know nothing about the complexity of mod making but it's nothing big so I don't think it would be to hard and seen as it's been done all I'm asking is that it is made compatible with one of my favourite mods

Here's the http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1103269-req-lock-doors/page__p__16141705__fromsearch__1entry16141705 to the request thread I made...I hope it can be done thanks.
After a short anolyze of what this mod do it is not possible to simply patch it.
The mod replaces all the doors with a newer version meaning placement of doors all over the world. While Better Cities affect a lot of things, we tried to keep it to a minimum. For instance we move some houses in Cheydinhal and Bruma but not anywhere else. Patching this mod would force us to do it the same way and I don't think it was a good way. He should have just change the existing doors and script them to do what he wanted them to do instead of placing items (doors) all around the world. The conflicts raised are too heavy.
Now I understand why he did it though. You need to check for each house occupant and it is impossible to do that with a generic script. So his way, for the immersion factor was the only way. I could compare this to what I did in AWLS. AWLS simply put lights on the windows of any houses (with some exception for very specific houses which have their own special meshes and thus are clearly identified as different from the other houses). AWLS wont check if the house is inhabited or not. So while on the exterior it looks fine, if you actually check each house your might be disappointed that this or this house is actually deserted and shouldn't be lit... If the doors were scripted generically they would do the same and they wouldn't be able to check the AI or the disposition of the NPC toward the player.
To cut it short, this mod is a lot of work and would require more work even to be made compatible with Better Cities/Blood & Mud and soon some other mod we are patching. I'm afraid it is not doable any time soon.