In BBC 4.6.0b Better Cities-OMG patch was dependent on Better Cities IC Arcane University.esp and even if I want the full (B&M) version of the mod I was forced to use the relevant esps from separate foder and FPS patches folder.
Otherwise game refused to load.
Is the new version dependent on Arcane University again?
If yes, can you please mace compatibility patvh for OMG depending on Better Cites Imperial City merged version only, please?
Another thing:
I have noticed that the compatibility patch for the Sentient Weapon (I play Sentient Weapon II v.1.3) when merged within Bashed patch, creates serious problem -
although the BSA for SW II is in Data folder, in-game the weapons are missing meshes and when checked with Form ID Finder, it says missing are meshes with names non-existing in the Sentient Weapon mod.
Can you please fix/update the Sentient Weapon compatibility patch so that it creates no problem?
Third thing:
Salmo The baker - COBL.esp coming from COBL works fine if BBC is not installed but with BBCities installed Salmo's bakery is almost always closed and even when it's open, Salmo sells nothing...
Can you please check the esp from COBL and create a minuscle patch so that I can buy a fresh roll instead of eating in pubs and inns... there are types with dubious reputation there... young girls cannot eat in their presence (without killing them
