I downloaded this mod, and I'm loving it so far, but I do have a question. It's a weird one but bear with me

Does this mod add any guilds or quests with it? Reason being, I've come across a Rangers Guild and the Gold Horse Courier, and I wanted to know if there was any way to join them. Does this mod add those quests, or is it one of the other mods I've got installed?
The Rangers guild houses are part of BC, but presently there are no quests and it is not possible to join the guild.
Gold Horse Couriers have a branch in every city (originally from the mod Delivery Job, as others have mentioned) which has been integrated into BC. To be able to work for GHC, you have to head to the branch in the Imperial City Waterfront District. The GHC branch managers in each city should have told you this when you spoke with them, did this not happen?
Speaking of... anyone else notice there are TWO Gold Horse buildings in Cheydinhal? I thought I was imagining it at first but I double checked and then triple checked. Definitely two buildings, each one has the Gold Horse sign, and the doors lead to the same interior. The buildings fit right into the landscape and there are no floating objects or clipping of any sort so I doubt this is another mod conflicting. Somehow, there are just two of the same building in Cheydinhal. Very odd. They're right across the bridge from each other.
The old "Delivery Job - BC.esp" file is obsolete and should not be used with the latest version of BC. I believe it is still included in the latest BC archive by mistake, but will be removed in the next release.
@ godhugh: Probably the regular one, though it does contain some errors. I haven't actually looked at the Vaults of Cyrodiil ESP for quite a long time, so I don't recall whether it touches the IC, but most of the conflicts will be with the other cities.