Hello I recently DL'ed your mod and found everything to be super awesome! However, as of late I am getting this weird landscape bug and I dont know where it came from! I have seen both the IC Market and the Arboretum in all its (new) splendor but this is what I find now:
Im assuming its my load order... ?
My load order for Better Cities is as follows (and everything after):
Better Cities.esp
Mystery of the Dulan cult.esp
BetterCitiesFull FPS patch.esp (While Im here, can anyone explain what these FPS patches are?)
Better Imperial City.esp
Better Imperial Cities FPS patch.esp
Better Cities - VWD of the IC.esp
(after Better cities I have...)
IlluminationWithin.esp (I loaded after because I want to have all the better cities have lights, is this correct? Do you have a better suggest for window lighting mods?)
Deadlyreflex5- timed block
Deadly reflex5 combat moves
Ace_Aleswell_expanded.esp (my mod, doesnt change anything in the IC)
Does this order look wrong? If so what should I change?
Also can somebody tell me if I should uncheck the VWD one at the bottom? I read the readme and it said to use TES4Editor or some such tool unless I like to fly over the city but I didnt. I dont fly over the city either. I believe I can see some of the new towers in the City from the outside but I wouldnt mind unchecking it if you would recommend it.
Again, would anyone be willing to explain these FPS patches?
@BananaSplit- I know the IC was not your doing but your work on the other cities is amazing! I cannot play without this mod now
