[Relz]Bananasplit's Better Cities - Thread 31

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:11 am

ok i realllllllllly need help please!

i have mysteries of the dulan cult installed, better cities and the better cities patch for the dulan cult. since the market district is so different now i cannot find anywhere the black horse courier needed to start the questline...could somebody please give me the exact location of the paper?

thanks a lot
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Saul C
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:46 pm

ok i realllllllllly need help please!

i have mysteries of the dulan cult installed, better cities and the better cities patch for the dulan cult. since the market district is so different now i cannot find anywhere the black horse courier needed to start the questline...could somebody please give me the exact location of the paper?

thanks a lot

Certainly :)
There are three of them:

By the way, there is no Better Cities patch for Mysteries of the Dulan Cult. We provide a replacer ESP, so you should use our Dulan Cult ESP instead of the original Dulan Cult ESP.
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Emily Jones
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:49 pm

sorry if the question sounds extraordinarily dumb, but... did you just say that there's an .esp that replaces the orribly buggy dulancult.esp ( or whatever the name is, the original one ) ? that's fantastic, I was scared I would have to learn CS to fix that :lol:

I guess it's still compatible with FCOM_dulancult.esp and that the FCOM patch is still needed, right?

thanx in advance for the answer :)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:28 am

sorry if the question sounds extraordinarily dumb, but... did you just say that there's an .esp that replaces the orribly buggy dulancult.esp ( or whatever the name is, the original one ) ? that's fantastic, I was scared I would have to learn CS to fix that :lol:

I guess it's still compatible with FCOM_dulancult.esp and that the FCOM patch is still needed, right?

thanx in advance for the answer :)

In order of your multi-level question:
No, it isn't a dumb question; yes I did just say that our Dulan Cult ESP is a Replacer for the original; yes it is fantastic, everything about Better Cities is fantastic :D; you didn't ask but yes our Replacer ESP for Dulan Cult does fix some errors in the original mod, such as the broken trigger script attached to all traps in the entire game (and attached to other things); don't be scared to learn to use the CS, get in there and get your hands dirty (metaphorically speaking - I don't want you sticking your hands inside a computer case when it is running, and ending up with blackened hands and a trashed PC); yes our Replacer ESP is still compatible with the FCOM patch; yes the FCOM patch will still be needed with FCOM.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:55 am

I have question (maybe it's stupid): I'm installing the updated resource and carefully following the readme, but in the "00 Core" folder there is the BSA file and a "meshes" folder. The readme doesn't say nothing about this folder: should I use it or not?
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Harry Leon
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:48 am

I have question (maybe it's stupid): I'm installing the updated resource and carefully following the readme, but in the "00 Core" folder there is the BSA file and a "meshes" folder. The readme doesn't say nothing about this folder: should I use it or not?

I'm not sure whether that's a stupid question or not, so I shan't comment on that. Yes, you should use that folder. It contains a corrected mesh which exists in "Better Cities - Meshes.bsa".
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Gemma Archer
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:11 pm

WOW! Thanks for your fast answer!
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Astargoth Rockin' Design
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:45 pm

Well, I've another question: there is a replacement esp for the mod moDems City Life, and the link in the first post for this mod is this one: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=9450

"unfortunatly" I found the "new" version (the 2.2): http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11351

Can I use the updated version with that replacer or not?
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Soku Nyorah
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:57 pm

Well, I've another question: there is a replacement esp for the mod moDems City Life, and the link in the first post for this mod is this one: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=9450

"unfortunatly" I found the "new" version (the 2.2): http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11351

Can I use the updated version with that replacer or not?

Of course you can. A Replacer replaces the original ESP, so if there's a newer version, then replacing it with our older version will simply leave you playing the older version.
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Marta Wolko
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:56 pm

Then what should I do? It's better to I to wait for your updated esp?
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Krystina Proietti
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:25 pm

Then what should I do? It's better to I to wait for your updated esp?

You could try that. I suppose it's possible we might update our City Life ESP one day.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:37 pm

@Vorians: thanx, that's great news. Mysteries of the Dulan Cult sounds like a really intriguing quest mod, but no one wants a buggy .esp . Better Cities FTW :D
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:04 pm

I have experienced some bugs lately. They are not BC bugs, but I hope, I can find people who can help me here.
1)Sometimes I see wall in front of (city) gates. When I go through it, it disappears. (Problems with world space?)
2)Sometimes game freezes when I am moving to the centre of the room. This happens only in houses.
Sounds familiar?
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Laura Ellaby
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:22 am

I have experienced some bugs lately. They are not BC bugs, but I hope, I can find people who can help me here.
1)Sometimes I see wall in front of (city) gates. When I go through it, it disappears. (Problems with world space?)
2)Sometimes game freezes when I am moving to the centre of the room. This happens only in houses.
Sounds familiar?

Please do not post issues unrelated to this mod in this thread. This thread is dedicated to Better Cities only. You should start a new thread to seek help for these problems :)
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Jodie Bardgett
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:30 am

The two opposite facing clocks on the clock tower need readjusted to display the correct time in leyawiin.
These are two on the outside of the tower in the BC Clocks of cyrodiil.esp.

Tick Tock
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Naazhe Perezz
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:25 pm

You could try that. I suppose it's possible we might update our City Life ESP one day.

Can I ask you why? (Hope you understand)

You are doing a fanstastic work with your mod, so I was wondering why you say "we might" and "one day": are you not interested or you have just too many things to do?

P.S. Do you have any programs to make one day a "Open" Better Cities version?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:01 pm

The two opposite facing clocks on the clock tower need readjusted to display the correct time in leyawiin.
These are two on the outside of the tower in the BC Clocks of cyrodiil.esp.

Tick Tock

Are the clock faces wrong, or are the hands pointing to the wrong time?

Can I ask you why? (Hope you understand)

You are doing a fanstastic work with your mod, so I was wondering why you say "we might" and "one day": are you not interested or you have just too many things to do?

P.S. Do you have any programs to make one day a "Open" Better Cities version?

Because it's not a part of Better Cities proper, it's a Replacer ESP for another mod, and it works as intended. Ismelda isn't really modding Oblivion any more, so most of the work is being done just by me, and has been for several months now. I also have other non-BC modding commitments (like Unique Landscapes) and of course non-Oblivion commitments, so I don't have the free time I'd like to have to concentrate purely on BC.
Since the current Replacer does work correctly, you can use that one if you want to, you simply won't get whatever updates were made to City Life in the more recent release :)

Open Better Cities is a dead project, I presently have no plans to do anything more at all there. Anyone else is welcome to create compatibility patches or Replacers (with permission from the conflicting mod's author) for conflicting mods and Open Better Cities.
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Chloe Lou
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:37 am

First of all thanks for your answer.

This is the additions of the new version:

"2.2 (Lollerich)
- apparently the paths to the nequam eye meshes were changed at some point in later versions of BP - now fixed
- crashes at the waterfront should be fixed now too

I guess it's not a minor update: I will wait for a patch for the new version before use it.

Thanks again!
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Kahli St Dennis
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:01 am

Can I ask you why? (Hope you understand)

You are doing a fanstastic work with your mod, so I was wondering why you say "we might" and "one day": are you not interested or you have just too many things to do?

We do have a replacer for the BP version only. For the other there is no reason to have a replace as we made Better Cities compatible already. So if you are not using the Beautiful People version you don't have to use any replacer. And my guess is that this is not the Beautiful People version you are talking about because there is no reason to use it now that Wrye Bash fixes the eyes for all new races/NPCs.
P.S. Do you have any programs to make one day a "Open" Better Cities version?

What Vorians forgot to say is that the http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=17084 already exists. It is outdated though and no more supported. People didn't want to understand that if Better Cities already is hard on the FPS then Open Better Cities wont be kinder...
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Katie Samuel
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:50 pm

Are the clock faces wrong, or are the hands pointing to the wrong time?

Wrong time. Adjust the script or hand position. Whichever way you choose.

You may want to check whatever other clocks you may have moved also.
I think it was just Leyawiin tower and some floating around on the different city streets, right?
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KU Fint
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:15 am

What Vorians forgot to say is that the http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=17084 already exists. It is outdated though and no more supported. People didn't want to understand that if Better Cities already is hard on the FPS then Open Better Cities wont be kinder...

I believe the request was for a City Life patch for Open Better Cities, not for an Open version of Better Cities. Ruben3D has posted in other threads mentioning Open Better Cities, so he/she must already know of its existence.

Wrong time. Adjust the script or hand position. Whichever way you choose.

You may want to check whatever other clocks you may have moved also.
I think it was just Leyawiin tower and some floating around on the different city streets, right?

The scripts have always worked fine without being edited, Leyawiin gave the right time with Better Cities when I first moved the clock tower. I'll note this down as something to look at some day in the future.
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Tanika O'Connell
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:32 am

The scripts have always worked fine without being edited, Leyawiin gave the right time with Better Cities when I first moved the clock tower. I'll note this down as something to look at some day in the future.

scn ClockLeyawiinScript

float mhand
float hhand
;float mhand90
;float hhand90
float mhand180
float hhand180
;float mhand270
;float hhand270

float dtHand
float dyHand
float mtHand

begin gamemode

; ----- Get the day of week angle -----------
; Multiplier would be the arc in degrees between the day markers (360 / 7)
set dyHand to ( GetDayOfWeek + 1 ) * 51.4286
ClockHandDay00REF.setangle z dyHand
OCCLeyClockHandDay00.setangle z dyHand
OCLRClockHandDay00.setangle z dyHand

; ----- Get the date hand angle -------------
; Multiplier (11.61) would be the arc in degrees between the date markers (360 / 31)
set dtHand to GameDay * 11.61
ClockHandDate00REF.setangle z dtHand
OCCLeyClockHandDate00.setangle z dtHand
OCLRClockHandDate00.setangle z dtHand

; ----- Get the month hand angle ------------
; same story with the degrees... (360 / 12)
set mtHand to ( GameMonth + 1 ) * 30
ClockHandMonth00REF.setangle z mtHand
OCCLeyClockHandMonth00.setangle z mtHand
OCLRClockHandMonth00.setangle z mtHand

;set the angle for each face of clock
set mhand to getcurrenttime * 360
set hhand to getcurrenttime * 30
; set mhand90 to mhand + 90
; set hhand90 to hhand + 90
set mhand180 to mhand + 180
set hhand180 to hhand + 180
; set mhand270 to mhand - 90
; set hhand270 to hhand - 90

;set the hands on the clock faces
ClockHandM00REF.setangle z mhand
ClockHandH00REF.setangle z hhand

ClockHandM01REF.setangle z mhand
ClockHandH01REF.setangle z hhand
ClockHandM02REF.setangle z mhand180
ClockHandH02REF.setangle z hhand180

OCCLeyClockHandM00.setangle z mhand180
OCCLeyClockHandH00.setangle z hhand180
OCCLeyClockHandM01.setangle z mhand
OCCLeyClockHandH01.setangle z hhand
OCCLeyClockHandM02.setangle z mhand
OCCLeyClockHandH02.setangle z hhand

OCLRClockHandM00.setangle z mhand180
OCLRClockHandH00.setangle z hhand180
OCLRClockHandM01.setangle z mhand
OCLRClockHandH01.setangle z hhand
OCLRClockHandM02.setangle z mhand
OCLRClockHandH02.setangle z hhand

; Vorians Rocks! :obliviongate:

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:14 am

Is there any reason why you've posted the script?
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roxxii lenaghan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:14 pm

Is there any reason why you've posted the script?

Yes. It is the correct script.
Unless you would like to change the hand positions.
You will probably have to change the 180's on the OCC & OCLR REF's also, but am not sure. I don't use OCC or OCLR.
It's kind of obvious when the clocks are 180o off in game.

Just change the orange and I'll be good to go. Don't know about OCC or OCLR.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:11 pm

Yes. It is the correct script.
Unless you would like to change the hand positions.
You will probably have to change the 180's on the OCC & OCLR REF's also, but am not sure. I don't use OCC or OCLR.
It's kind of obvious when the clocks are 180o off in game.

As I said, I'll note this down as something to look at some day in the future.

I've taken a look and indeed the clock hands are the wrong way around. Script is now corrected, and the updated ESP is available as a separate download on the Nexus BC page until our next proper release.
OC and OCLR did not need changing, as Arthmoor did not rotate the clock tower for either version of Open Cities Leyawiin. I had already entered the correct changes into the separate script for OBC when I first added compatibility for OBC (and for this release I have combined the OBC scripts with the original scripts, making things tidier).

While I could be mistaken, I feel that Metallicow might have just accused me of being lazy, but I cannot figure out why he/she would say this, which leaves me feeling rather perplexed.
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