The scripts have always worked fine without being edited, Leyawiin gave the right time with Better Cities when I first moved the clock tower. I'll note this down as something to look at some day in the future.
scn ClockLeyawiinScript
float mhand
float hhand
;float mhand90
;float hhand90
float mhand180
float hhand180
;float mhand270
;float hhand270
float dtHand
float dyHand
float mtHand
begin gamemode
; ----- Get the day of week angle -----------
; Multiplier would be the arc in degrees between the day markers (360 / 7)
set dyHand to ( GetDayOfWeek + 1 ) * 51.4286
ClockHandDay00REF.setangle z dyHand
OCCLeyClockHandDay00.setangle z dyHand
OCLRClockHandDay00.setangle z dyHand
; ----- Get the date hand angle -------------
; Multiplier (11.61) would be the arc in degrees between the date markers (360 / 31)
set dtHand to GameDay * 11.61
ClockHandDate00REF.setangle z dtHand
OCCLeyClockHandDate00.setangle z dtHand
OCLRClockHandDate00.setangle z dtHand
; ----- Get the month hand angle ------------
; same story with the degrees... (360 / 12)
set mtHand to ( GameMonth + 1 ) * 30
ClockHandMonth00REF.setangle z mtHand
OCCLeyClockHandMonth00.setangle z mtHand
OCLRClockHandMonth00.setangle z mtHand
;set the angle for each face of clock
set mhand to getcurrenttime * 360
set hhand to getcurrenttime * 30
; set mhand90 to mhand + 90
; set hhand90 to hhand + 90
set mhand180 to mhand + 180
set hhand180 to hhand + 180
; set mhand270 to mhand - 90
; set hhand270 to hhand - 90
;set the hands on the clock faces
ClockHandM00REF.setangle z mhand
ClockHandH00REF.setangle z hhand ClockHandM01REF.setangle z mhand
ClockHandH01REF.setangle z hhand
ClockHandM02REF.setangle z mhand180
ClockHandH02REF.setangle z hhand180 OCCLeyClockHandM00.setangle z mhand180
OCCLeyClockHandH00.setangle z hhand180
OCCLeyClockHandM01.setangle z mhand
OCCLeyClockHandH01.setangle z hhand
OCCLeyClockHandM02.setangle z mhand
OCCLeyClockHandH02.setangle z hhand
OCLRClockHandM00.setangle z mhand180
OCLRClockHandH00.setangle z hhand180
OCLRClockHandM01.setangle z mhand
OCLRClockHandH01.setangle z hhand
OCLRClockHandM02.setangle z mhand
OCLRClockHandH02.setangle z hhand
; Vorians Rocks!