[Relz]Bananasplit's Better Cities - Thread 31

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:52 am


Except some fixing the main news is that Vorians started to add quests in Better Cities. One brand new quest is located in the Bravil Bay and concern one of the boat there. He also added lot of new (unvoiced) dialogs to some NPCs in Bravil Bay. It is just a shame that the time you pass to resolve a quest is nothing compared to the time spend to creating it.

Look at it this way, if you multiply all the players time spent solving the quest that download this wonderful addition to Oblivion it will out hour (is there such an expression, hmm, well there is now) the time spent creating it :P

Thank you for this update!
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Clea Jamerson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:42 am

Great thanks for this update and congratulations to all the team for the continued marvellous work. BC team, you should make statues of yourselves somewhere in the game, I would decorate it with flowers.

However, I noticed an error in the OMOD script that I can't seem to fix. It concerns the Cheydinhal Falls portion. I have downloaded 4.3.7a, but it still gives me this error: "copied plugins must have a .esp or .esm extension on line 823". I checked the script and it seems OK (I'm using the B&M full version). The CF patch is not copied and I have no clue why.
While I was looking hard I've also noticed a small typo line 835: it should be "BCCheydinhal-CheydinhalFalls patch.esp" and not "BBCCheydinhal-CheydinhalFalls patch.esp".

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le GraiN
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:34 am

Great thanks for this update and congratulations to all the team for the continued marvellous work. BC team, you should make statues of yourselves somewhere in the game, I would decorate it with flowers.

However, I noticed an error in the OMOD script that I can't seem to fix. It concerns the Cheydinhal Falls portion. I have downloaded 4.3.7a, but it still gives me this error: "copied plugins must have a .esp or .esm extension on line 823". I checked the script and it seems OK (I'm using the B&M full version). The CF patch is not copied and I have no clue why.
While I was looking hard I've also noticed a small typo line 835: it should be "BCCheydinhal-CheydinhalFalls patch.esp" and not "BBCCheydinhal-CheydinhalFalls patch.esp".


Copy the fix I posted above. http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1042390&view=findpost&p=15190151

EDIT: Oh I see that they uploaded a 'fixed' version. (I downloaded 4.3.7) It still doesn't work? Mustn't have used my fix, because that works, for me at least: Full mod, not B&M.
I'm not going to download the whole thing again, as mine works now. Perhaps you could post that part of the script here.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:05 pm

Hey, just a bug report or two, any plans to address these?

Also, an fyi, the main file of LAME - less annoying magic experience - for whatever reason makes alterations to the town of Bruma, and Better Cities needs to be loaded in front of it, or wierdness ensues with doors hanging in midair.

And one last thing, the caverns beneath
are *so* cool! Pity the giant door doesn't lead anywhere, though. Nice ambiance.

Oh what a shame this didn't get posted before we agreed we were ready for our next release :( We'll look into those issues.
So LAME needs to load before Better Cities? Well that's what we advise for most other mods anyway.

"- When I first walk into the Market district, there is always a large "!" error marker named 'Notice' in the console that is lying on the street when you enter from the bridge to the Prison district."
You haven't installed all the resources yet then.

I've got some news regarding the Cobl file.

That's one for Ismelda to respond to. It's about complicated scripts and the BC menu, I don't generally touch these!

Look at it this way, if you multiply all the players time spent solving the quest that download this wonderful addition to Oblivion it will out hour (is there such an expression, hmm, well there is now) the time spent creating it :P

That assumes people actually receive and bother to play the quest!
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Philip Lyon
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:16 pm

I've got some news regarding the Cobl file.
I was the one who did the last update to it, changing some BBC ingredients to Cobl ones in cells, inventories, etc... At the time my solution was very imperfect, because the file grew too big, made too many changes (== possible incompatibilities) and couldn't do anything about new instances of those ingredients being used in future versions.
Now I have managed to make a "swapper" script just like the one from The Ayleid Steps, to change those ingredients dynamically once they are in the players inventory. So no more dirty changes everywhere: just a quest and a script. The ingredients remain as originally laid by the modders, decorative to look at, and if the player decides to pick them up they will be swapped to their Cobl equivalent.
But this script can be improved. I was thinking of two things that could be done to make it even better: first, defining both the script and the quest as dummy records in the master file so that this Cobl file will overwrite them. That would allow for the file to be mergeable again in a Bashed patch, which because of my previous changes wasn't anymore. Second, change the script so that it can be turned on/off in the Obse menu of the mod. Right now there's no way to stop the script from swapping the ingredients with Cobl versions, which some people may not like. But I don't know how to "integrate" that feature into the BBC menu.
So, what do you think? If you're interested, I'll PM you the file and you can change anything you want in it for the next update.

I've had time to read this properly. What would be the point of providing a toggle option in-game for the ingredients? Either people use the ESP, or they don't. That's toggle enough :)

The only reason to place dummy scripts into our ESM for the patch to overwrite, thus allowing merging the patch into the Bash Patch (that I can think of) would be to have one less active ESP in your load order. Is this why you suggest this, or would there be some other reason I haven't thought of? Please do PM me a link to download the file from :)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:18 am

I've got some news regarding the Cobl file.
I was the one who did the last update to it, changing some BBC ingredients to Cobl ones in cells, inventories, etc... At the time my solution was very imperfect, because the file grew too big, made too many changes (== possible incompatibilities) and couldn't do anything about new instances of those ingredients being used in future versions.
Now I have managed to make a "swapper" script just like the one from The Ayleid Steps, to change those ingredients dynamically once they are in the players inventory. So no more dirty changes everywhere: just a quest and a script. The ingredients remain as originally laid by the modders, decorative to look at, and if the player decides to pick them up they will be swapped to their Cobl equivalent.
But this script can be improved. I was thinking of two things that could be done to make it even better: first, defining both the script and the quest as dummy records in the master file so that this Cobl file will overwrite them. That would allow for the file to be mergeable again in a Bashed patch, which because of my previous changes wasn't anymore. Second, change the script so that it can be turned on/off in the Obse menu of the mod. Right now there's no way to stop the script from swapping the ingredients with Cobl versions, which some people may not like. But I don't know how to "integrate" that feature into the BBC menu.
So, what do you think? If you're interested, I'll PM you the file and you can change anything you want in it for the next update.

Edit: Started using the FPS patches, thank you so much for updating and making bundled versions of them. I can now look towards the IC without my computer starting to smoke.
Also, love the new stuff in the Arcane University. When I came back to it, it was like "What the!... oh... OHHHH!!!"

We didn't do the cobl patch. Neither Vorians nor I are using COBL. So someone else did it. And you are free to continue/improve his work if you think it is needed. As for the menu integration, there should be no need for that. The patch only work when COBL is present in the load order and thus only the people using COBL will use it and I guess they like their ingredients COBLized. If they stop using the patch, all the ingredients will revert to their former state without any consequences so it is all good. Please feel free to work on your improvement of the COBL Patch but i would prefer if you start with the patch we have which also handles the wells for COBL thirst mods.

Great thanks for this update and congratulations to all the team for the continued marvellous work. BC team, you should make statues of yourselves somewhere in the game, I would decorate it with flowers.

However, I noticed an error in the OMOD script that I can't seem to fix. It concerns the Cheydinhal Falls portion. I have downloaded 4.3.7a, but it still gives me this error: "copied plugins must have a .esp or .esm extension on line 823". I checked the script and it seems OK (I'm using the B&M full version). The CF patch is not copied and I have no clue why.
While I was looking hard I've also noticed a small typo line 835: it should be "BCCheydinhal-CheydinhalFalls patch.esp" and not "BBCCheydinhal-CheydinhalFalls patch.esp".


Copy the fix I posted above. http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1042390&view=findpost&p=15190151

EDIT: Oh I see that they uploaded a 'fixed' version. (I downloaded 4.3.7) It still doesn't work? Mustn't have used my fix, because that works, for me at least: Full mod, not B&M.
I'm not going to download the whole thing again, as mine works now. Perhaps you could post that part of the script here.

;=============================================================================================;UL Cheydinhal Falls    If DataFileExists "xulCheydinhalFalls.esp"        If DataFileExists "Blood&Mud.esp"823       If Equal %iPre0% 1            	CopyPlugin "31 UL Cheydinhal Falls\\BCCheydinhalFULLB&M-CheydinhalFalls patch.esp" %nam26Mod%825           LoadAfter %nam26Mod% %Pre0aMod%            Else            	CopyPlugin "31 UL Cheydinhal Falls\\BCCheydinhal-CheydinhalFalls patch.esp" %nam26Mod%                LoadAfter %nam26Mod% %Pre3Mod%            EndIf        Else            If Equal %iPre0% 1            	CopyPlugin "31 UL Cheydinhal Falls\\BCCheydinhalFULL-CheydinhalFalls patch.esp" %nam26Mod%                LoadAfter %nam26Mod% %Pre0Mod%            Else                CopyPlugin "31 UL Cheydinhal Falls\\BBCCheydinhal-CheydinhalFalls patch.esp" %nam26mod%                LoadAfter  %nam26mod% %Pre3Mod%            EndIf        EndIf    EndIf

This is my script and i don't see anything wrong on line 823 or 825... I have no clue about what it going on. I believe is the same as Vargr... But too much scripting make you blind sometimes.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:54 am

We didn't do the cobl patch. Neither Vorians nor I are using COBL. So someone else did it. And you are free to continue/improve his work if you think it is needed. As for the menu integration, there should be no need for that. The patch only work when COBL is present in the load order and thus only the people using COBL will use it and I guess they like their ingredients COBLized. If they stop using the patch, all the ingredients will revert to their former state without any consequences so it is all good. Please feel free to work on your improvement of the COBL Patch but i would prefer if you start with the patch we have which also handles the wells for COBL thirst mods.

Hey, I use Cobl! I don't use the hunger, thirst, tiredness, drinking wells, luggage, or many other parts of Cobl, but I do use Cobl! Though I don't use the BC Cobl patch, but others will :)

Also, "someone else did it" - someone else is migck! Silly girl! migck is saying that he/she has rewritten how it works. Instead of editing cells and NPC inventories (like the current version does) he/she has changed it to swap the items out based on a script.

I'd like to see the file, hopefully it can be added in our next release.
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Lucie H
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:03 pm

Hey, I use Cobl! I don't use the hunger, thirst, tiredness, drinking wells, luggage, or many other parts of Cobl, but I do use Cobl! Though I don't use the BC Cobl patch, but others will :)

Also, "someone else did it" - someone else is migck! Silly girl! migck is saying that he/she has rewritten how it works. Instead of editing cells and NPC inventories (like the current version does) he/she has changed it to swap the items out based on a script.

I'd like to see the file, hopefully it can be added in our next release.

Well I hereby Authorize Migck to improve his own work and to keep up posted with it. And you never mentionned you used COBL neither that you ever played the game that is Oblivion. Yes it is a game and not simply a modding tool!
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Laura Richards
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:42 pm

Well I hereby Authorize Migck to improve his own work and to keep up posted with it. And you never mentionned you used COBL neither that you ever played the game that is Oblivion. Yes it is a game and not simply a modding tool!

I use Cobl to make patches requested by modders whose mods require Cobl! What's a game?
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phillip crookes
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:39 am

Hey, I use Cobl! I don't use the hunger, thirst, tiredness, drinking wells, luggage, or many other parts of Cobl, but I do use Cobl! Though I don't use the BC Cobl patch, but others will :)

Also, "someone else did it" - someone else is migck! Silly girl! migck is saying that he/she has rewritten how it works. Instead of editing cells and NPC inventories (like the current version does) he/she has changed it to swap the items out based on a script.

I'd like to see the file, hopefully it can be added in our next release.

Hehe, no worries, if I had to attend hundreds of users of my mods, I too would forget the names of some contributors. :P
Good, I'll PM you the new file. Don't worry about the well activators, that feature is intact. The script swaps not only ingredients, but also some potions and misc. items common to Cobl and Better Cities, even if the player is unlikely to pick any of them anyway. I also wanted to include books, but... there are just too many and its not worth it (well, probably the whole script its not worth the effort, but I'm more than happy with it since its me who did it :))
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Luna Lovegood
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:22 pm

;=============================================================================================;UL Cheydinhal Falls    If DataFileExists "xulCheydinhalFalls.esp"        If DataFileExists "Blood&Mud.esp"823       If Equal %iPre0% 1            	CopyPlugin "31 UL Cheydinhal Falls\\BCCheydinhalFULLB&M-CheydinhalFalls patch.esp" %nam26Mod%825           LoadAfter %nam26Mod% %Pre0aMod%            Else            	CopyPlugin "31 UL Cheydinhal Falls\\BCCheydinhal-CheydinhalFalls patch.esp" %nam26Mod%                LoadAfter %nam26Mod% %Pre3Mod%            EndIf        Else            If Equal %iPre0% 1            	CopyPlugin "31 UL Cheydinhal Falls\\BCCheydinhalFULL-CheydinhalFalls patch.esp" %nam26Mod%                LoadAfter %nam26Mod% %Pre0Mod%            Else                CopyPlugin "31 UL Cheydinhal Falls\\BBCCheydinhal-CheydinhalFalls patch.esp" %nam26mod%                LoadAfter  %nam26mod% %Pre3Mod%            EndIf        EndIf    EndIf

This is my script and i don't see anything wrong on line 823 or 825... I have no clue about what it going on. I believe is the same as Vargr... But too much scripting make you blind sometimes.

Let's see here (he says, sounding like some kind of expert all of a sudden :biglaugh: )

First thing spotted:
That last patch does indeed say "BBCC" instead of "BCC" - No such esp exists, so that's a problem.

*And that's about it; as long as it's not case sensitive - Scratch that; I checked it, it is [That's what that was!]:

So problem two:
nam26mod is defined as that, with a lower case "m" - This is why some people (the ones making them usually) hate OMOD scripts: Make sure that every instance of nam26mod is identical, down to the correct case, or it won't recognise it!
I personally would suggest changing them all (including this Falls bit and the initial definition) to nam26Mod, as all the others are capitalised like that.

That should fix it right up, everything else looks just fine. ;)

Rassem Frassem scripts! :banghead: :biglaugh:
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:05 pm

Ooooohhh! Nice. What perseverance! I had spent like 30 minutes on that script and didn't see that. Thank you!

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Rachel Briere
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:56 pm

Ooooohhh! Nice. What perseverance! I had spent like 30 minutes on that script and didn't see that. Thank you!

I'm not surprised. What a pain! That's why I said that [That's what that was!] bit. When I fixed it last night I did it (through a bit of copy & pasting) but had no real idea what it was that had changed either. It was only this time that I happened to chance across it.
This is why scripts can be such a pain! Brilliant to use when they work right though. :D
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Romy Welsch
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:37 pm

Thanks for catching the errors in the script guys. I'll post a version 4.3.7b soon.
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Victoria Bartel
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:14 am

Thanks for catching the errors in the script guys. I'll post a version 4.3.7b soon.

You're most welcome Ismelda Lasombra :D
I love this mod, happy to help it along, in any small way I can.
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brenden casey
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:12 am

Hey, I get some huge LOD errors if when playing it together UL Blackwood Forest. In the end it turns out like this:
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A Lo RIkIton'ton
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:04 pm

Hey, I get some huge LOD errors if when playing it together UL Blackwood Forest. In the end it turns out like this:

Well that there is the LOD for Open Cities: Leyawiin Reborn. Make sure you're using the LOD from the Blackwood Forest archive, not the one from Open Cities.
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Emma Copeland
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:02 pm


sorry if this has been mentioned before...I noticed that Vim and Vegor places some water wells which conflict with Better Cities, for example at the new waterfront and some other locations...
I fixed this for myself by deleting the wells from the VV esp, but a patch ( if possible) would probably not be a bad idea...

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Mason Nevitt
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:45 pm


sorry if this has been mentioned before...I noticed that Vim and Vegor places some water wells which conflict with Better Cities, for example at the new waterfront and some other locations...
I fixed this for myself by deleting the wells from the VV esp, but a patch ( if possible) would probably not be a bad idea...


There's not really much point in a patch. This conflict can easily be resolved by the player opening the console and disabling the conflicting wells. It's too small to go to the effort of creating a patch and updating the OMOD install script just for that.
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Laura Richards
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:04 pm

The two or so Anvil Bay Expansion BHC Broadsheet articles in the IC Branch needs the ownership changed to player.
they are on the table to the right as you walk in the main entrance.
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Charlotte Henderson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:33 pm

Regarding the IC Waterfront one, are those textures on the ships and jetties part of another mod?
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Roisan Sweeney
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:46 pm

Regarding the IC Waterfront one, are those textures on the ships and jetties part of another mod?

What? We do not alter the texture nor add any ship on the IC waterfront. Some rowboats are added but they are vanilla. Any textures issue you might have with the ships is not caused by Better Cities.
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Richus Dude
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:33 am

Some small tip to whom I should speak to in Bravil Harbor? I spoken to the captain without a ship among others - she was my top candidate for the quest.

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Kim Kay
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:03 pm

Some small tip to whom I should speak to in Bravil Harbor? I spoken to the captain without a ship among others - she was my top candidate for the quest.


Visit The Gilded Duckling, around dinner time.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:09 pm

Edit: Fixed my problem. I knew it couldn't have been BBC, which was what was frustrating the crap out of me. It was a map marker mod affecting the cells. I've had the mod for years and merged it with something else, I had forgotten all about it. Ignore my moment of stupidity. ;)

On another note, when I was running around Leyawiin to get screens for this post, I had a http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc105/zinnikeys/BC/BC-Leyaw-WallArcher.jpg commit suicide as I was walking by the guard tower in this http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc105/zinnikeys/BC/BC-Leyaw-WallGuardsMapPosition.jpg. And no he's not missing any clothing, I took a piece or two from him. Also, I'm not sure if it was the same guard or not, but a few minutes before that one fell to his death, a guard was having a hard time leaving the same tower to get to wherever he was going. Instead of using the stairs at the bottom of the tower to get to the ground, he tried walking over the boulder next to the stairs, fell through it popped back atop the stairs, took the stairs the proceeded to walk into the back of the house closest the tower. Finally figuring out he wasn't going to be able to walk through that wall, he moved around a large rock and tried a new section of the house's wall. After giving up all hope of being able to walk through walls he finally trotted down the dirt path, around the house and vanished.
Either that was a different guard or after he finally found the road and went around the house, he literally did vanish and reappeared somewhere up in the air above that guard tower and fell to his death. Which I'm guessing is the more likely explanation as the 'blind' guard did seem to be rubber-banding a bit.
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