Between Helgen and Riften and almost due South of Pine Watch, there is a bandit camp next to a stream that gets enabled on the map when using Atlas Map Markers.
I've only been there once before, with my first character, many, many characters ago.
I had just discovered Pine Watch and a Dragon started fighting something in the general direction of this camp, looking South, but when I got there, there was no camp, no bodies, no tents, nothing. There was a dead deer.
That's it.
Has anyone been there and is it normal for there to be a bandit camp marked on the map with no camp site there? I distinctly remember fighting bandits there last time and it's a really good place for a camp site. There is a large, fallen tree across which one of the dead bodies was sprawled last time I was there.
I cannot think of any mods which could have removed that camp site.