Apparently, I was well acquainted with a random bandit.
Apparently, I was well acquainted with a random bandit.
Didn't know Miraak associated himself with low life bandits.
I have 4 from Bandit Chief. It's an odd name.
But then again, I messed with the console of fun and games a lot.
Bandits make good cannon fodder and slaves. Bend Will, lol.
Seriously though, This was amusing. I literally just cleared a bandit camp, and then a minute later, a courier spawns from Oblivion and gives me that letter, lolbeth.
Bandit Chiefs, FOUR?? .
He was your father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate.
400 gold in inheritance as well, that seems more than usual?
Maybe he was *dramatic music*....your father!
You killed your own father
Never heard of anything like this, nor have I got a note like this from any bandit. Weird, because I've cleared out countless bandit hideouts.
Maybe Johnny Quests' dog likes you.
Only letters I've got from bandits or bandits chiefs have been delivered by assassins. Good couriers and make excellent practice dummies though they refuse to give you the delivery till after they are unconcious. I had planned on possibly doing the DB with this character, one assassin though ruined that. Pity.
I once got a hit letter from Whiterun Guard. I lol'd that somebody would be so generic.