Bane - The Archer's Diary

Post » Sun Jan 12, 2014 12:08 am

---Last Seed, 17Th, 4E 201---
I am Bane - The Archer.
I was brough here today, caught by the Imperials, and their brutal army. This morning I was brought to Helgen for execution. At the very moment thankfully a dragon looking fierceful, saved me from being executed.
It didn't directly save me, rather the chaos it caused saved my life. I managed to escape.
I, Bane Stamer, has come from a family of hunters living in Whiterun. I belong to a noble Nord family, tormented by the Imperial brutality.
Now, I don't really know what to do, what destiny awaits me. Anyway, I will live on hunting, I'll try to get some coins first for buying some llivelihoods. Feeling hungry, thurst is killing me now.
I have to look for a firm, where I can get some food, cloth and water. Don't know exactly what is happening in Whiterun. However, for some time I will avoid going there in Whiterun.
11:40 am - I am with a bunch of Stormclock rebels, so to speak of them. I am not sure who are these stormclock, what's their problem with the Emperial ruler, however now we are running through the same luck. Trying to find an exit from this cave. Ralof seems to be leading them, he was also one of the prisoners along with me, he too could escape, and since then helping me. Thanks to him.
02:19 pm - At last we are out of the cave. Encountered few deadly spiders and a bear that was guarding the exit. Sneaked past him. Now is the time to say goodbye to my good friend Ralof. He told me to met up with her sister in Riverwood. She is Gerdur.
Also he suggested that I should join the Stormclock under the supervision of Ulfrec Stormclock in Windhelm. I'll take my time to decide on that. First some rest I must take.
---Last Seed, 18Th, 4E 201---
I learned from a fisherman that a man called Engar in Drunken Huntsman in Whiterun, can tell me a guild for huntsman.
I really liked Gerdur, sister of Ralof. She helped me with some much necessary food. I was relieved. She was well speaking and gentle. I think I really took a liking for her.
I can take some archery training from Fiendal, though it seems before that I have to give the letter he gave me, to Camilla.
Strange sight this one is. I just saw a bird stuck at the top of a tree, it's really did that happen!!
I was out for wandering the nearby jungle of Riverwood, thought of picking up few ingredients or may be if luck permits a few games I could kill. However I was attacked by first a pack of wolves, which I could escape from luckily. But, then again a band of mudcrabs. I managed to kill those all after few tries, but I broke my longbow. Few!!
---Last Seed, 19Th, 4E 201---
I'm really facing extreme problem in gathering food. Not many food I could find that restore some of my health. So, I have decided I'll dedicate a few page for any food supply , or recipe that brings up my health.
Food to restore my health
Butter - 2 points
Salmon Steak - 5 points
Sack of Flour - 1 point
Ingredients to restore my health
Blue Mountain Flower
---Last Seed, 19Th, 4E 201---
Reserved page for food source information...
---Last Seed, 19Th, 4E 201---
For two days I stayed in Riverwood, didn't have many opportunities here. Need to explore more. I'll go to Helgen today, let me see it back.
08;00 am - what a strange play of luck. I was just passing onto the road to Helgen, suddenly a fugitive from no where came rushing to me, said to hide something immediately, a few seconds later a hunter appeared and I came to know that the fugitive stole that "thing" from him. Anyway one arrow shot from that hunter killed that poor guy.
And what I got!! from the dead body I received a health poultice(don't know the use yet), 18 septims. WOW!! first hit of luck since the bad time in Helgen.
I opened my shack to find a surprise, I got that "thing" from the guy, it was a "Scaled boot of Dwindling Shock". Fantastic!!! Immediately I put it on.
01:30 pm - writing this sitting on a piece of rock, beside a burning house in Helgen. Nothing is left here in Helgen, nothing. All burned, charred to death and ash. Smoke girgling out of the half burned houses. Horror smashed the place. The only small but useful collect I had is an empty bottle, that can store some water for me. Feeling hungry and much thirsty.
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Rachell Katherine
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Post » Sun Jan 12, 2014 9:15 am

if i may...

--4E 232 hearthfire 17th?-- hiomaste XVII become patriarch of the hiomaste bloodline and priestess of vodahmin ah at barely 154 years old she also becomes the best archer in tamriel and gained an array of followers...from morrowind to hammerfell she teaches the ways of vodahmin ah and the way of the bow

--4E 252 hearthfire 5th-- hiomaste XVII on a mission to purge the falmer filth is caught up with filthy mortals and set to be beheaded so she summons a powerful dragon to save her and is blessed by vodahmin ah for her summoning powers and truly becomes a goddess

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Karen anwyn Green
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Post » Sun Jan 12, 2014 12:14 pm

Thanks for your post!!

I just started Skyrim, and trying to play with all my mind and soul. Trying to log my journey from day1. It's truly interesting it seems that way.

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Albert Wesker
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Post » Sun Jan 12, 2014 5:02 am

Cool story! Please keep posting!

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Paula Rose
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