With Skyrim 7 weeks away I am curious, who here has played a strict barbarian in any of the past Elder Scrolls? This generally means your have a fast warrior who wears light armor and can (at least how I play) generally survive away from towns other than using quest givers. One who doesn't take sides because no one is on theirs(treebeard win), Only emerging to take on the next contract for whoever pays the most, and one who at the end of the day would rather just sit around a campfire in the middle of nowhere smoking a pipe(whilst I am as well). Being the nature of Skyrim as it is, I think it is the perfect opportunity to utilize this unique role-playing experience, especially on the first play through. I think with the wide range of hunt-able creatures, alchemy equipment and many nooks and crannies to make camp in, I think this game will come close to MW on the experience I will have as a barbarian.
I guess I talk forever eh? Point being, what do you all think of this "class" (yes I know their are no classes anymore), who is planning on being one, who wants to hunt them all down for being savages,and who would love to come across one out in the middle of nowhere and share tales of old?