So yeah, a blacksmith wanted me to find a dog. I go out, predicting a long search, but he find me, it seems. He then starts to talkin the most ridiculous accent... were Bethesda high when they thought this guy up?
I've actually enjoyed having him around, though. He's grown on me. So much so that I don't want to finish the quest because I know, one way or the other, I will have to part with him forever...

At least, this is how our relationship started... but recently he's started to follow me annoyingly close, blocking doors, etc. He even pushed me of the side of a cliff and caused me to fall to my death. Now, I can forgive all of that, but he then comes into my newly decorated house, and causes every single piece of cutlery to fall on the floor.
Oh man, back to Oblivion with you! As soon as I play tomorrow I will banish him back to where he came.
But yeah, has anyone else had situations where companions caused your death?