Hello, I was wondering, does a mod exist where you could dance/tell jokes/play instruments in taverns and whatnot for money?
in otherwords, something like http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Morrowind:Entertainers for Morrowind?
And no, I don't mean something that just adds Entertainer NPCS or gives you dance animations... I mean something that actually lets the player... well, Entertain for a living.
Does such a mod exist?
I don't think so for Oblivion yet.
I once asked Hemingwey to make up a gleemans cloak but don't think he ever got around to it.
The jugglers animation from SI and a few of the instruments from the TESA clutter would really be most of the resources needed to make a simple gleeman mod.
Well, making a few quests and some voice acting would do the idea the best justice.
Maybe someday... someone will get around to it.