bare fists

Post » Thu Jul 28, 2011 3:51 am

where is the wiki info for this? any data please? ap cost, dam, dps, crit chance, anything? there is no bare fists page and nothing listed on the weapons comparison page. anybody know?
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Lauren Graves
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 11:55 pm

not sure, if I had that perk that allows you to see the persons health and DT, then sure, just take that and wake someone with your bare fists. so far in F3, it was usually easy to kill someone when you had all ranks in Iron Fists (15-20 damage a pop lol!) im a safe guess, your doing 5 damage a hit with your fist, critcal is another 5 so 10 if you hit them good..i gotta check this out just for fun lol

edit: at 100 unarmed, im doing more damage then I expected sneak critical, im able to FALCON PAWNCH a big horner, a Goodspring settler, and a raider in one shot, killing them and making them explode..LOL
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Post » Thu Jul 28, 2011 3:23 am

Check here:

Scroll down til you get to the NV section, should explain alot.
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Sun of Sammy
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 11:15 pm

I beat down two nightkin masters with ease using bare fist took 30 seconds don't know the specifics but it was awesome lol
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Jimmie Allen
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Post » Thu Jul 28, 2011 2:45 am

where is the wiki info for this? any data please? ap cost, dam, dps, crit chance, anything? there is no bare fists page and nothing listed on the weapons comparison page. anybody know?

I've often wonderd this. I assumed strength affected this heavily as it affects dam but I've never been able to find out any info anywhere.
(I know END affects the unarmed stat, but that affects unarmed weapons also, the wiki doesn't give any info on what damage you can do when you are completely unarmed.)
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[ becca ]
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 6:33 pm

From what I have read on the wiki, fists are NOT affected by Strength and are also NOT affected by the Slayer perk (+30% attack speed) and their maximum damage is 5,5 (

Using bare fists is therefore not recommended, even with the unarmed moves. Don't know how a power attack or charging attack bonus damage is calculated, but it's probably just a multiplier.

I would personally LOVE if some perks would make your fists into a viable weapon - Adamantium skeleton could add bonus unarmed damage if you're using your fists (your bones are ADAMANTIUM after all).
Nerd rage could also add bonus unarmed damage while using fists and raging.

I realize that it probably won't be implemented, but as the devs read this forum I would love it if the sequel would allow a player to not use any weapons and perhaps not even armor while still being able to do a good enough amount of damage with the right selection of perks. Naked ninja ftw! :)
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benjamin corsini
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Post » Thu Jul 28, 2011 5:09 am

I remember reading that at 100 unarmed you do 5.5 points of damage but I didn't post because I didn't remember where I read it. Thanks for the link to the equation.

A very good way to test the exact damage you'll do with your bare fists is to go find an unarmored npc and punch them. If you haven't already completed the challenges "And Boy are My Arms Tired" or "Old Tyme Brawler" you can check their totals and it will tell you the exact amount of damage you just did (the game rounds uneven numbers so 5.5 should become 6). I think you do double damage with criticals but I'm not 100% sure. I have no idea of the crit multiplier but I would assume it's just 1.

On a character with 66 unarmed, which makes 3.8 unarmed damage, I did 4 damage with a regular attack on an unarmored NPC. I kept wailing on her and counting the damage until I landed a critical and it did 8 damage. I then experimented on a securitron and was doing 3 damage (I assume because of it's armor) and critical hit it for 7 damage (which means I was doing 3.something damage and the crit jumped it to 6.something which rounded to 7).

The only anomaly I noticed was in sneak attack critical damage (I had no perks to increase critical damage on this character). I sneak attack criticaled the same NPC I used to test the unarmed damage and I did 48(!) points of damage. But normal crits only did 8 to her. I tried it on a few other unarmored NPCs and got the same result. So I tried it on the same securitron I attacked before, it still only did 7 damage. So finally I tried it on an NCR Trooper (if you can't guess, I'm performing these tests on the strip), I did 9 damage. But with a normal attack on the same trooper I did 1 damage because of his armor. A normal crit still only does 1 damage, again, because of his armor. So maybe unarmed has some kind of bonus sneak crit damage on organic/human targets? I don't know.

I don't have any characters with 100 unarmed that haven't already completed both challenges so I can't test for 100 unarmed, but I assume the numbers would remain consistent. You can always go and test these numbers for yourself and see if you come up with some different answers. I anyone does be sure to post it in this thread.
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Naomi Ward
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 9:02 pm

I guess you could use your fists if you had Paralyzing Palm, the Ranger Takedown and all that jazz.
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