That was when barenziah was youger keep in mind i think she changed a bit when you meet her

Yup, now she seems completely oblivious to what was happening between Helseth and Elysana at Wayrest as well as what Morgiah was up too. Seriously though, she may have changed but I still don't trust her biographies.
Anyways, who voted
Biography of Barenziah?! There is no way that's accurate!
After only a short time in Rifton, Straw fell in with a bold, villainous Khajiit thief named Therris, who proposed that they rob the Imperial Commandant's house in the central part of the city. Therris said that he had a client, a traitor to the Empire, who would pay well for any information they could gather there. Barenziah happened to overhear this plan and was appalled. She stole away from their rooms and walked the streets of Rifton in desperation, torn between her loyalty to the Empire and her love for her friends.
In the end, loyalty to the Empire prevailed over personal friendship, and she approached the Commandant's house, revealed her true identity, and warned him of her friends' plan. The Commandant listened to her tale, praised her courage, and assured her that no harm would come to her. He was none other than General Symmachus, who had been scouring the countryside in search of her since her disappearance, and had just arrived in Rifton, hot in pursuit. He took her into his custody, and informed her that, far from being sent away to be sold, she was to be reinstated as the Queen of Mournhold as soon as she turned eighteen. Until that time, she was to live with the Septim family in the newly built Imperial City, where she would learn something of government and be presented at the Imperial Court.
The bold statement hardly shows what happened! Both versions of the real Barenziah show more detail on what happened! There is no way that Biography of Barenziah is an accurate biography at all. Both versions of
The Real Barenziah mention that Barenziah planned to join the Thieve's Guild actually so, no, there is no way
Biography of Barenziah is accurate.