I've added the following quests:
-"Buried Buccaneer Booty" quest (Started by picking up a torn map from the captains cabin of the pirate ship in "Pirate Hunters" from Major gro-Hammer in Slartholm)
-"Return of the Maormer" repeatable quest available from Major gro-Hammer after completing the "Siege of Slartholm"
-"Grog for Blackdog" quest from Captain Blackdog McGee (Bartholm Docks - available after you've completed the "Rockville Rum" quest from Loranil at Bartholm Manor)
-"Here Today Yarn Tomorrow" quest from Helene Jacinth at Barthlom Manor.
-"Ogre Dentistry" quest from Rita Moreno in Slartholm.
Suggestons & bugs welcome. Thanks again for the wonderful support & feedback from this community. You are great!
The Town of Bartholm 7.0
Ruled by Count Serverus Victrix, Bartholm is a small town consisting of a Castle, Arena, Inn, General Store, Chapel, Stables, Mages' Guild & 8 houses.
Protected by the Bartholm Foreign Legion, the village of Slartholm is situated on the Isle of Slart. Slartholm consists of an Inn, General Store, Blacksmith, Barracks, Alchemist Tent & 3 houses.
The Narcissa's Captain Blackdog McGee offers passage from Bartholm to the Isle of Slart and back.
You can:
-Uncover a plot against the Count for Primo Victrix. (Bartholm)
-Igor offers Dark Brotherhood member's a contract. (Bartholm)
-Save the Town of Bartholm from an Oblivion Crisis for Grok gro-Hammer (Bartholm)
-Join the Bartholm Foreign Legion & defend the village of Slartholm from a Moarmer attack (Slartholm)
-Help the Bartholm Foreign Legion defend the shipping lanes against
pirates. (Slartholm)
-Help the Bartholm Foreign Legion defend the Isle of Slart from additional waves of Maormer troops. (Slartholm)
-Solve a mystery for Tyrantus Rex (Slartholm)
-Fight in the Arena and become Bartholm's Grand Champ (Bartholm)
-Fight in daily free for all matches and defend your title once a week as Bartholm's Grand Champ. (Bartholm)
-Take official paperwork to the Governor of Slartholm for Count Victrix (Bartholm)
-Take random Dark Brotherhood contracts on citizens all over Cyrodiil. (Bartholm)
-Collect books for Bartholm & Slartholm's literate citizens. (3 in Bartholm / 2 in Slartholm)
-Assist Eranyon with Bartholm's ghost citizenry. (Bartholm)
-Help Helene Jacinth find her lost knitting supplies. (Bartholm)
-Help Helene Jacinth find her lost dog. (Bartholm)
-Assist Jean Luc in guarding a sacred scroll. (Bartholm)
-Anton Chance offers Thieves Guild members pickpocket jobs. (Bartholm)
-Help Grok gro-Hammer solve Bartholm's skooma problem. (Bartholm)
-Hunt escaped prisoners for Grok gro-Hammer. (Bartholm)
-Go hunting with Filthy Fargus in Bartholm. (Bartholm)
-Go hunting with Filthy Fahad in Slartholm. (Slartholm)
-Deliver meat for Fargus & Fahad. (Bartholm / Slartholm)
-Find a bottle of Rockville Rum for Loranil. (Bartholm)
-Resolve Ayne Drehl's unwanted house guest issue. (Bartholm)
-Help Brutus Minimus find his lost sheep (Slartholm)
-Help Rita Romano find a minotaur horn (Slartholm)
-Help Rita Romano find ogres teeth (Slartholm)
-Find a torn map and begin the search for the "Lost Treasure of the Isle of Slart" (Slartholm)
-Help Captain Blackdog McGee collect the ingredients to make Grog. (Bartholm Dock)
-Rent a room at the Lodge or the Raw Bar. (Bartholm / Slartholm)
-Purchase a horse from Ra'jahd at Bartholm Stables (Bartholm / *Horse Armour not supported)
-Purchase a house in town from the Count and furnish it. (Bartholm)
-Cause havok around town and get arrested or killed by the guards.
-Take "the Narcissa" from the Bartholm Docks to the Isle of Slart.
The mod contains:
150+ NPC's
25+ Buildings
1700+ voice files
32 quests
I would like to thank my wife Leah. You are wonderful!
I would like to thank gamesas for such a wonderful world.
I would like to give props to everyone on the Elderscrolls Forums and everyone that contributed to the Wiki. Without your help, this mod would still be a long time coming.
I would also like to thank everyone that I forced to record conversations and all of the people who helped me playtest
Leah Sera, Mike Rielly, Luel, Paul Bono, Patrick Hunt, Daniel Hunt, Nikki Hunt, M. Sera, Brian Whitman, & Christopher Siess.
A special thanks to LaughingMan008 & The Last Ayleid for hard work playtesting and helping research.
A special thanks to The Oblivion Beta Testing Guild for beta testing and providing feedback.
Thank you, you are all great!
Version Changes
6.95 Beta
-added "Buried Buccaneer Booty" quest (started by picking up a torn map from the captains cabin of the pirate ship in "Pirate Hunters")
-added "Grog for Blackdog" quest from Captain Blackdog McGee (bartholm docks)
-added "Here Today Yarn Tomorrow" quest from Helene Jacinth at Barthlom Manor.
-added "Ogre Dentistry" quest from Rita Moreno in Slartholm.
-added map markers to the isle of slart (town, dock, shrines, rex estate, tower, etc.)
-updated BHConversation quest script (moved bartholm dialogue addtopic here. this should resolve issues with players not getting dialogue topics before entering bartholm)
6.96 Beta
-removed LOD mesh (reverted back to previous version to temporarily resolve issue a draw issue with the LOD mesh until it can be fixed)
6.97 Beta
-updated "Here Today Yarn Tomorrow" quest items (disabled until the quest begins)
-updated Isle of Slart LOD meshes and distantlod
-updated Bartholm distantlod
-updated Slartholm map marker (moved closer to town)
-updated Bartholm Chapel Crypt (quest chests no longer respawn)
-updated "Pirate Hunters" (adjusted pirate's aggression, confidence & responsibility)
-updated "Bartholm Bounty Hunter" (added 5 more escaped convicts)
-cleaned bartholm.esp (used wrye bash to remove orphans)
6.98 Beta
-added "Return of the Maormer" repeatable quest from Major gro-Hammer in Slartholm
-revamped "Siege of Slartholm" (reinforcements are now available in slartholm at need / all battle waves now occur on the same day / increased boss difficulty level / bandits no longer spawn after the siege is completed)
-updated "Pirate Hunters" (player reward is higher if legionnaires survive / modified pirate npc script - first kill now says "1 pirate is dead")
-updated stablehand BartholmHorseBashiraGive package (bashira should now stand next to the horse when the player first mounts)
-edited Staff of Banishment from the "Bartholm Ghost Story" (removed script effect)
-updated lost sheep quest (levelled gold reward / sheep will no longer follow the player if they have failed the quest / dying sheep only trigger quest fail when the quest is active)
-updated lost dog quest (levelled gold reward)
-updated lod using tes4gecko
-removed thumb.db from bartholm.bsa